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The tools

The basis of 3D is moving, shaping and sculpting objects. To do this, there are three important hotkeys that you will use over and over again when modeling your mesh. These are G, S, and R. They are collectively called the transform tools.

Transform tools

G - "G" for Grab.

S - "S" for Scale.

R - "R" for Rotate.

Before you use any of these tools, you have to have something [selected]. You can be in either [Object] or [Edit Mode] to do a transform. RMB Template-RMB.png cancels a transformation, LMB Template-LMB.png confirms a transformation.

Try this
Try transforming the default cube using these tools to see how they work.

Using the tools


After pressing G, simply move the mouse around. Your selection will move on the screen. To confirm the move, use LMB Template-LMB.png. To cancel the move, press RMB Template-RMB.png. Use MMB Template-MMB.png to [constrain] the move to a single axis.


After pressing S , move the mouse away from the center of the object to enlarge it, or toward the center to shrink it. To confirm the scaling, use LMB Template-LMB.png. To cancel the scaling, press RMB Template-RMB.png. Use MMB Template-MMB.png to [constrain] the scale to a single axis.


After pressing R, move the mouse in a circle around the object to rotate it. The closer you are to the [center of rotation], the more of an effect your mouse motions will be. To confirm the rotation, use LMB Template-LMB.png. To cancel the rotation, press RMB Template-RMB.png. Use MMB Template-MMB.png to [constrain] the rotation to a single axis.

Constraining to an axis

You can constrain a transformation to a single axis. To do this, after pressing a transformation (GKEY, SKEY, or RKEY), press MMB and move the mouse toward an [axis]. The axis will turn a brighter color to show it is selected. When the desired axis is selected, let go of MMB, and continue with your transformation. The transformation will be constrained to that axis.

Center of transformation

(center of transformation stuff here)

Typing in exact transformations

(stuff here)