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GSoC 2008 - Week 2 report

This week

This past week and next week are my last two weeks of school, with classes and exams. To say the least, I have been overwhelmed with school work and reports, and I have not been able to find a single moment to work on the project. I guess I was a little bit over-optimistic of my ability to handle both responsibilities at once. I have no immediate work to hand in until next Thursday so I am counting on this week-end to make up for some of the lost time. Since doing well on my exams is my first priority, I hope you will excuse me for not providing much results in these two weeks. I have tried to keep Jean-Luc aware of the situation this week.

I was able to get my work compiled by devroo on another Mac OS X Intel machine. Thanks to Stéphane's remarks on Freestyle inner workings, Jean-Luc yesterday found out how to compile the program on a Mac OS X PPC machine. Using a bundle_loader option when linking the SWIG wrapper library resolves the problem. Jean-Luc will send me an updated SConscript for compilation and linking of the wrapper library in the next few days.

Next week

Unfortunately, next week is going to be worse as far as school work is concerned. I do not expect to get much work accomplished. I should have more time again starting from June 16. Sorry again for this delay.


I still need to focus on getting my work compiled accross platforms. I hope that Jean-Luc's patch will resolve the issue once and for all.


Even though I was ahead of schedule last week, I feel like I am now running behind. I still have time this week-end to finish the first phase, but I am not sure that's the wisest thing to do as far as accomplishing my school work too. I'll let you all know this Sunday at the IRC meeting.