File Browser user input
The text boxes
The File Browser has two text boxes in its upper part. The first one is the file path and the second is the file name, where the actual name of the file or datablock in the current path is entered. Both controls can be directly edited.
If you type a non existing directory path in the file path box and confirm (with ↵ Enter, ⇆ Tab or LMB out of the box), you will be prompted to create that new directory. You can cancel that operation with (Esc or RMB
Both boxes can be autocompleted with ⇆ Tab: the file path box autocompletes directory paths, and the file name box autocompletes file (or datablock) names in the current directory (or library).
If a file name is written in the file name text box, a version number can be given to this name automatically with the + button next to it; buttons + and - increase and decrease the version number, mantaining the number format as much as possible.
In save operations, the file name box background turns red if the name entered already exists in the directory.
When confirm/cancel buttons are present, the full input/output operation can be confirmed or cancelled:
- To confirm:
on the confirmation button (whose text depends on the current operation) confirms the operation with the highlighted file/datablock name (or names in case of multiple choice), or the name written in the file name box.
- ↵ Enter has the same effect than LMB
on the confirmation button.
- Double click with LMB
on the file/datablock name confirms with that file or datablock.
- To cancel:
The file list
Under the text boxes we can see the directories/files/datablocks list. Its contents depends on the filter applied, the sort method or de view mode chosen (in the editor header).
LMB on a directory enters that directory.
LMB on a file or datablock name, highlights that datablock and copies its name into the file name text box.
⇧ ShiftLMB on a file or datablock name, highlights that datablock, without deselecting any former name, and copies its name into the file name text box.
A selects/deselects all names in the current directory.
B lets you border select a bunch of names (drag with LMB selects and with MMB
deselects). Dragging with LMB
border selects too, even without pressing B.
CtrlLMB on a file name lets you edit its name.
X or Del with the mouse cursor over a file name lets you delete that file.