利用者:Raa/Addons/Pie Menu Editor/Editors/Popup Dialog

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Pop-up Dialog

Pop-up Dialog Editor allows you to create a layout of widgets that can be displayed in pie menus, dialogs, panels or toolbars.


Pme popup mode.png

Affects the appearance and behavior of the pop-up.

Moving the mouse outside the pop-up closes it
Interaction with widgets of the pop-up closes it
OK button
Customizable width


Button Hotkeys

LMB Template-LMB.png Open Menu
CtrlLMB Template-LMB.png Add Button to the Right
Ctrl⇧ ShiftLMB Template-LMB.png Add Button to the Left
CtrlAltLMB Template-LMB.png Remove Button
⇧ ShiftLMB Template-LMB.png Edit Button
AltLMB Template-LMB.png Change Icon
AltOskeyLMB Template-LMB.png Clear Icon
Alt⇧ ShiftLMB Template-LMB.png Hide Text
OskeyLMB Template-LMB.png Toggle Spacer
CtrlOskeyLMB Template-LMB.png Copy Button
Ctrl⇧ ShiftOskeyLMB Template-LMB.png Paste Button

Row Button Hotkeys

LMB Template-LMB.png Open Menu
CtrlLMB Template-LMB.png Add Row Below
Ctrl⇧ ShiftLMB Template-LMB.png Add Row Above
⇧ ShiftLMB Template-LMB.png Toggle Row Size
OskeyLMB Template-LMB.png Toggle Row Spacer


Pme layout.gif

Blender uses row/column based layout system. The editor allows you to set-up a column of rows with optional sub-columns and sub-rows.

In order to add a sub-column, LMB Template-LMB.png on one of the buttons to open a menu and select Column separator. To add a sub-row to the sub-column there are Begin Subrow and End Subrow entries in the menu.

If you need more options to control the layout you can write python code in Custom tab which will be used to draw custom layout of widgets instead of default button.

Expand Layout

Pme1.14.0 pd expand.png

To expand layout inside pie menus or another popup dialog you need to enable Expand Popup Dialog option in Menu tab.

Fixed Columns

Pme layout fixed columns.png

By default Blender resizes columns depending on the number of buttons in sub-rows. You can enable Fixed Columns option to fix that.


Pme layout alignment.gif

You can adjust the alignment of buttons if there are no columns in the current row.