利用者:Sebbas/GSoC 2016/Reports/Week 9

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Week 9

What's been done

  • I implemented the switcher for the viewport mode. It is very similar to the one in the Elbeem UI and allows switching between geometry and render mode. It should be useful for liquids but I could also imagine using this for smoke. (rB25b7d8a8ad87, rB0aa086586acc)
  • There was an issue with the pointcache: You could only bake an entire simulation. If stopped in between and then restarted the bake would not resume where it left off. This is now fixed. I achieved this by caching some of the liquid data structures from the Mantaflow script. That is, the most recent set of grids (velocity, pressure, etc.) and particle system is now saved along with the .bobj.gz mesh files. (rB506cf7051f26, rB87bd42ebc966, rB03eac283a5d5, rBd23f1a594705, rBbcf01ecadf2c)

Next up

  • Continue hooking up the UI. Earlier I introduced a switcher to control flow behaviour (inflow, outflow, static). Getting that lined up would be nice.
  • There is a bug with the viewport. In some cases objects are invisible. I will look into that as well.


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