利用者:Sebbas/GSoC 2017/Reports/Week 9

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Week 9

This week I just added a couple of extra fields to better control the amount of particles (FLIP and secondary). I also managed to reproduce the 'velocity bug' in Mantaflow directly.

What's been done

  • I was able to reproduce the (haunting) velocity issue in Mantaflow. Nils has a copy of the problematic script and is now also tracking down the bug. This way, I hope that we can finally resolve this issue. (Link to Mantaflow script in [2])
  • There are now two additional parameters for liquids: minimum and maximum amount of particles (for resampling). They should help control the amount of FLIP particles in the scene. Other settings, like the 'particle radius factor' now also make more sense. However, I feel that especially these new settings and their relation to exisiting ones could use some more explanation. I will include this in the final documentation. (rBe6a43693f4e3)
  • The amount of float and tracer particles can now be determined with probabilities. A value between 0.0 and 1.0 determines if a cell gets a new particle or not. (rB9019d66b6a1b)
  • I only worked on the code the first half of this week and so I didn't get to look at fluid guiding. Reason for that is that I am currently also preparing for some exams.

Next up

  • Next week is exam week. So realistically speaking, I'll be very busy and won't be able to commit any ground-breaking improvements (sorry about that).
  • In order to not completely get off track, I'd like to achieve at least one thing though (even if it's small). A visually pleasing first test with fluid guiding would be nice :)


  • No


  1. https://github.com/sebbas/BlenderMantaflow/issues/7
  2. https://github.com/sebbas/MantaflowScripts/blob/master/velocity_bug_issue_7.py