利用者:Tianwei37/Report & Blog/Week 1

提供: wiki
移動先: 案内検索

What I did

I discussed with my mentor about the design philosophy about the multi-camera tracking support. I decided to first sketch up a quick interface for users to specify correspondence among different cameras. This week is basically focused on the correspondence button:

  • Reading the camera tracking code and learn how the front-end operators work with the back-end libmv engine.
  • Add ‘Link’ and ‘Unlink’ button in the tracking mode of space clip (see picture below)
  • Finish half of the function in the front end, currently it can find two selected in each editor and pass them to the back side.
  • Design the data structure to reside correspondences

My plan next week

  • Finish the correspondence data structure
  • See what is missing in the libmv for multi-view camera support and add them.
  • Finish the basic pipeline of multi-view reconstruction, from specifying correspondence to reconstruction multi-cameras.