利用者:Tianwei37/Report & Blog/Week 10

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What I did this week

- fix the bug that multi-view reconstruction does not work under ‘Tracking’ Layout. The reason is that sc->view == SC_VIEW_CLIP should be check. Otherwise dopsheet and graph will be also counted as SpaceClip. Thanks Sean for testing.

- Discuss with my mentor about the ui design. The thing is that we have a major revision about the previous design, because simply shifting the secondary clip would have several problems. For example, it cannot have its own zoom and panning. The new design is to implement something like Quadview in View3D (but it’s split-view in SpaceClip, correspondence mode). This may involve a lot of revisions to clip_draw.c code, such as separating zoom level, pan to a new data structure called RegionSpaceClip (mimicking RegionView3D).

- We decide to change to this split-view ui when changing the mode to ‘correspondence’ and restore the single-view ui when changed back. So I did some research about quad-view in View3D and how to update ui in rna_space.c. This work is still in progress.

What I plan to do

- Continue with what we have decided on ‘Correspondence’ UI, including taking space clip apart and incorporating RegionSpaceClip, making sure every operator works with the new data structure, etc.