利用者:Walid shouman/GoogleSummerOfCode/2013/automation

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Those are some tricks for automating the work

Valgrind Testing

To automate the valgrind memory test, here's a bit long command line to execute blender in the background, open a specific blend file and execute a script that needs to be memory checked

The command

valgrind --leak-check=full ./bin/blender /media/Data/Activities/gsoc/rubber_duck/Rubber\ Duck2_temp.blend --background --python uv_op.py > log.txt 2>&1

The script

Contents of uv_op.py

import bpy


The blend

The blend file must have at least to selected object with the first having at least a single layer of the data to be transfered (ie: single uv layer) that could be automated too ^_^