Attic:Delete/Manual/Mesh Painting

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Blender offers almost too ways to paint and color your mesh:

  • Vertex Painting: simple spray-painted colors onto the base mesh
  • Texture Painting: paint layered on a 2D image that wraps the mesh like wrapping paper.
  • Materials: a single base color of the entire mesh, including its color, transparency, reflectiveness, specularity, etc.
  • Textures: mix with or override attributes of the base material. While Color is commonly affected by a texture, the texture can affect other mesh attributes, for example displacing vertices.
  • Weight Painting: Visually sets the relative amount that verticies in a group are moved by a bone or a force (yes, this has nothing to do with the color of your mesh, but you use a painting tool anyway)

Click on a topic above to read more. {{UM/foot|Manual/Subsurf|Manual/Vertex Paint}