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Schools teaching Blender Courses

Please add in only a real University, Institute, College or School offering an official Blender course, during at least a semester. Please don't add workshops, web courses, tutorials sites, personal sites and advertising.


Institute of Computer Science, at the University of Wrocław, Poland

Website (in Polish)
Wiki page Community:Schools/Wroclaw University (short info in English)
Where Wrocław (Poland), see
Costs The course is free, but you have to be a student of our university
Teaching method
  • 15 lectures (2 hours each), covering pretty much everything: modeling, materials, curves, textures, nodes, lighting, animation, shapes, armature, particles, soft body/cloth, fluid simulation, rigid body, Python scripting, game engine.
  • 15 laboratory sessions (also 2 hours each, but in practice a lot of homework required). During the whole semester, you have to do around 8 weekly exercises and 2-3 larger projects.
Teacher(s) Michalis Kamburelis

Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, at the University of Gävle, Sweden

Website (in Swedish)
Where Gävle, Sweden (see
Costs Free for Swedish students
Teaching method This is a beginner course in 3d modeling and animation using open source tools. All assignments and lectures are in document or video format and help is given in text och video format. 10 laboratory assignments guide the students through the basics of modeling, materials, lighting, animation, rigging and video editing. An independent project assignment tests the skills of the students.
Teacher(s) Niklas Folkegård, Anders Jackson

CINECA Interuniversity Consortium, Bologna, Italy

Website (in Italian)
Where Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna BO), Italy.
Costs The course is free, but you have to subscribe and be among the 25 selected students.
Teaching method This is a 36 hour beginner course in 3d modeling, shading, animation and game engine using open source tools for the development of Cultural Heritage applications.
Teacher(s) Antonio Baglivo, Patrizia Coluccia, Daniele De Luca, Mauro Felicori, Francesca Frasca, Antonella Guidazzoli, Silvano Imboden, Maria Chiara Liguori, Maurizio Quarta, Micaela Spigarolo, Luigi Verri.


University of Central Arkansas

Where Conway, AR, USA
Costs The course is free to registered students
Teaching method

The course introduces 3D animation using Blender with an eye towards visual effects for live action films. The course is housed in the Digital Filmmaking Program at UCA and the majority of students will use 3D animation to enhance live action films rather than creating animated films. Course website:

Teacher W. Scott Meador -

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Wiki page (optional)
Where The city where the Institute, College or School is located.
Costs The course fees, if any.
Teaching method The Brief of Teaching or Action Plans and Content Covering.
Teacher(s) (optional)