Dev:Py/Scripts/Cookbook/Panels and Operators/Ping Pong
< Dev:Py | Scripts | Cookbook | Panels and Operators
This script is a simple introduction to Panels and Operators using Blender Python scripting. The following description hopefully fulfills it's purpose (to describe).
import bpy
class OBJECT_PT_pingpong(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_label = "Ping Pong"
bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
bl_context = "object"
is_left = True
def draw_header(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.label(text="", icon="PHYSICS")
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
row = layout.row()
split = row.split(percentage=0.5)
col_left = split.column()
col_right = split.column()
if self.is_left:
col_left.operator("object.pingpong", text="Ping")
col_right.operator("object.pingpong", text="Pong")
class OBJECT_OT_pingpong(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_label = "Ping Pong Operator"
bl_idname = "object.pingpong"
bl_description = "Move the ball"
def execute(self, context):
OBJECT_PT_pingpong.is_left = not OBJECT_PT_pingpong.is_left{'INFO'}, "Moving the ball")
return {'FINISHED'}
def register():
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":
The OBJECT_PT_pingpong class is to draw the gui (it is a Panel subclass).
- bl_space_type
- is the kind of space it shows up. Here it's the Properties Editor (
). - bl_region_type
- is the kind of region it shows up in.
is the main region of every area / space type. - bl_context
- is when the panel will show (so you will need to have an object selected, for the panel to show up). The combination of the space type
and the context'object'
will show the panel in the Object tab of the Properties Editor. - bl_label
- is the text displayed in the header.
- is_left
- is a custom class variable which we use to determine which button needs to be displayed.
- draw_header()
- is used to draw extra things in the header. In our case an icon. You can also use it to draw a checkbox that enables or disables all the settings in the panel (the actual action / state change it not handled here however).
- draw()
- defines the visual elements of the panel. There is a single row, which is split in half. Each half contains a column. Additionally we draw a button in one of these columns. The 'is_left' variable determines which one we draw. These buttons refer to an operator called
, which is the bl_idname of the next class.
The OBJECT_OT_pingpong class defines our custom operator.
- bl_label
- is the default text that's used by buttons in the user-interface (which we overwrite by for instance: text="Ping" )
- bl_idname
- is what we use to refer to this operator.
- bl_description
- is the text that shows up when you hover over a button that calls this operator (a tooltip).
- execute()
- is called whenever a button of this operator is clicked.
- report()
- displays a message in the main header of Blender. After this line we also set the 'is_left' variable to the other value.