Dev:Ref/Proposals/UI/New Transform Tool Hotkey Sequences

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Proposed New Transform Tool Hotkey Sequences


When working in a scene, in either object or edit mode, if one wishes to use the number boxes associated with the X, Y, and Z attributes in the properties shelf transform panels for translate, rotate, and scale, in order to enter a value using number input, one must move the mouse (or other pointing device) from where one is working in the 3D viewport to the number box in the properties shelf, click on the number box, enter the value, and then mouse back.


A solution to this problem of moving the mouse forth and back to access the number boxes is to adapt the existing shortcut for keyboard entry of values to open the appropriate number boxes. The quote key (' or ") or the # key (#) could be added to the front of the transform tool shortcut to allow direct input to these number boxes, with the ↵ Enter key closing the number box, and returning control to the cursor in the 3D viewport. Thus the key sequence

" G Z 437.26052 ↵ Enter

would open the properties shelf of the 3D viewport, if needed, and within that, the Z axis number box in the translate panel, enter the value 437.26052, and close the properties shelf if it was closed before the sequence was initiated. This sequence would work with translate tool in both object and edit modes. In object mode, similar sequences would work with the scale and rotate tools, so that the sequence

" S X

would open the X number box of the scale panel for direct numeric input. If desired, a new shortcut could be defined to access the dimensions panel of the properties (N) shelf.


  • Eliminate mouse movements when it is desired to input numbers or expressions directly into the number boxes in the tranform panels of the properties shelf.
  • Allow entry of values in the number boxes independent of any current value the attribute might have.