Dev:Ref/Release Notes/2.56/Add-ons
Add Ons Release Notes - 2.56a
Since previous Blender 2.5 Beta releases a number of new scripts have been added.
For more information:
3d View scripts:
These scripts add elements or menus to the 3d View workspace:
Mathutils Visualization
(Wiki page to be written)
- This script displays the console defined mathutils variables in the 3D view
Object Scripts
These scripts create or edit object bases to create improved or altered objects:
- Executes a bake for each frame of a defined frame range and saves the result in a frame specific name.
Animation Scripts
These scripts alter animate-able objects or animate alterable objects:
- This script allows you to animate bezier curves.
- This script transfer the shape from an object (base mesh without modifiers) to another object with modifiers (i.e. posed Armature) as a new shape key.
Import/Export Scripts
These scripts add extra formats to Blender's import/export toolkit.
Extensions:2.5/Py/Scripts/Import-Export/DXF Importer
Autodesk FBX suitable for XNA 4 (*.FBX)
HiRISE_DTM_from_PDS_IMG (*.IMG with PDS header)
Render Scripts
These scripts let you render with external render engines:
- Basic povray integration for Blender.
System Scripts
These scripts allow you to interact with the Blender system:
- This script displays all Icons in Blender and their names.
*.blend information
(Wiki page to be written)
- This script gives an easy to read description of all contents of the current *.blend file.
- Helps you to edit the properties of various objects and groups of the same object.