Dev:Ref/Release Notes/2.76/Feature Videos

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Blender 2.76: Feature Videos

Starting early 2014, Thomas Beck (BFCT & Blender developer) shows you in his "Blender Developer Sneak Peek" video series once a month new blender features that are currently in development. Over time, many of the features found in this release were topics in the show and can be watched now everytime you like in Full HD.

Below you'll find all videos, starting with the oldest one for this release.

#24 - Filebrowser, VSE, User Interface & Grease Pencil

  • Display optimizations (with a comparison to 2.75)
  • Pixars OpenSubdiv is in master (Animators: fun times ahead!) (2:33)


  • Allows sound playback for movies
  • Allow play-pause with space button
  • Allow displaying a position indicator with the I button

Nodes & Rendering

  • Point density texture support
  • Expose Clip image extension type (14:50)
  • Auto-offset nodes on insertion (17:23)

#25 - VSE, Filebrowser, Freestyle & Particles

  • Text Effect Strip
  • SRT export support
  • Removing gaps will now also move the scene markers


  • Navigation with Keys is now possible
  • Previewing is much faster
  • Recursive directory browsing
  • Filtering in Appendi/Link mode massively updated

Nodes & Rendering

  • Thickness: Tangent
  • Thickness: Noise
  • Thickness: Crease AngleA
  • Thickness: Curvature 3D
  • Geometry: Simplification

Auto-offset Nodes

Sebastian König shows you in this video the improvements made by Julian Eisel in the Node editor: