Dev:Ref/Release Notes/2.77/Painting
< Dev:Ref | Release Notes | 2.77
Improvements for snake-hook that allow you to drag out long extruded segments, and rotate the snake-hook brush using the new rake option.
- Pinch/inflate support for snake-hook 7e27fcf
- Snake hook, add rake factor to support grabbing the mesh with rotation. f758ee5
- Grab brush now supports pushing a depression (hole) into the mesh when Normal Weight is set,
also added Ctrl as a convenience shortcut to temporarily toggle normal weight for making quick edits. (36e732c, 2a3bd46).
Weight Painting
- Auto-Normalize:
- Updated to work consistently with different option combinations, and avoid changing behavior vertex to vertex.
- Will not change weights in locked vertex groups anymore under any circumstances. 3b3b35546e2a075
- Will not result in vertices being automatically added to groups anymore. 3b3b35546e2a075
- Multi-Paint:
- Updated to work more intuitively based on sum/average of individual weights. 7395c0c88a4dfbc
- Now works correctly with X Mirror, provided pre-existing weights are symmetrical. 5ef2ed23e1238e8
Vertex Painting
- Orbit last stroke support (8014180).