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Current projects

Motion tracking - work will resume after the author finishes his internship - hopefully he can pick it back up in a few weeks.

particles - jahka is making good progress - decision on automatic caching will be for later then.. not necessary now.. and will be easy to add later

imagebrowser refactor - a few items elubie needs assistance on but otherwise ready for review and commit to trunk 1. Font handling and international fonts 2. There's a crash report when browsing for movie files, I suspect in the movie loading API, need help reproducing and testing there

NDOF - lukep will commit the the plug-in sourcefiles to svn

fbx - character animation works ok, ideasman would still like to add support for subsurf and bone parents but its not 100% needed. Not all FBX importers like the current FBX file that is exported - why isn't clear. The work will continue in trunk


bdiego will call for 2.45 rc2 builds today

2.50 planning

event refactor - lukep is writing (not done yet) 2 docs for discussion :technical stuff about my view of event refactor (stivs must send me stuff too) and usability analysis of the GUI and which direction i think we should go. He hopes to have both next week. Ton will provide his thoughts and ideas. lukep will prepare a presentation for blenconf and a UI meeting will take place either during the blenconf or the day after at the Blender Institute headquarters.

pyAPI - it would be desireably to possibly have the new API coexist with the old API for a release since without strong knowledge of both APIs migrations could be somewhat difficult.

GSoC final status

sound system - what is not finished yet in the new sound system: packed file support, ffmpeg reader, but and oggvorbis reader is added and currently i'm working on an mp3 reader (mad lib) except these it is working properly. Testing builds and size considerations for Windows and OS X are needed. We should be able to phase out OpenAL after it is committed

GLSL - removed the glsl preview button and added a new drawing mode call realtime shading. Currently working on nodes they are about half done. After nodes will be textures and uv textures.