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Current projects

Campbell was still working on UV/EditMode integration. Mal_canDO asked that when the user selected a face, and then opened/reselected texture in UV Image panel, that the UVs were assigned automatically ( how the old system worked ). Michael Foxx also asked for the old draw mode back in the UC editor (the old dotted line style). Martin suggested this be part of the theme, but Campbell said it's more dependent on the image.

Merging particles and others

Janne reported no one has found any big bugs with particle branch, but Michael said he wasn't able to subtract weights in bake mode. Janne replied the code doesn't use the weight painting options (add, subtract, etc), it just sets the current value to the hair vertices. Roland Hess asked if anyone else report bugs with the add/switch between particle systems widgets, to which Janne replied no (but if he has a bug then report it). Roland said he has crashed and made .blend files which can't be opened a couple of times when adding multiple systems, going into bake mode, then switching between the systems. He would try to narrow it down and make a test case. Martin said when this bug was resolved he thought the code was ready for merge.

Daniel was "fighting with new collision response" in the cloth branch.

Peter Schlaile said scons support for ffmpeg is almost complete, except testing with Windows mingw. He requested testing by Mac users.

Hamed Zaghaghi was working on additions to the game engine. He was (1) completing motion blur with an actuator, and adding other 2d filters (like edge, bloom, etc) and (2) working on including some shaders using GLSL into scene. Mal Duffin committed the motion blur patch to the trunk. Hamed also asked if adding new actuators would require a change to the .blend format, to which Martin replied it shouldn't but should probably be tested to confirm.

Keir Mierle proposed adding some functions to the imbuf API related to metatypes since he needs to store camera matrices for every frame. Martin suggested Ton should be involved in such a discussion.

Martin said Janne was going to wait until after Blender Peach and physics meetings to merge particles into trunk, in case those meetings bring big changes.

Juho asked if NDOF was ready to merge as well. Martin said the code is missing usability/integration comments, and Jean-Luc hasn't been around in a while. Tom Musgrove said Jean-Luc said he would have an update on what time he would have available for Blender by the conference.

Mal asked Martin about the status of merging the GSOC sound code into trunk; Martin said there were some build errors related to ffmpeg.

Toronto design project (Filterforge)

Keir introduced three fourth year computer engineering students at the University of Toronto (Roger Liang, Nicolas Wu Sak Wing and Christopher Leung). For their capstone design they propose to add new nodes types to Blender. Martin said Bob Holcomb should be involved since he is the nodes maintainer. Ton added that Matt Ebb is also maintainer of composite code, while he maintains the shader code.

GSOC summit

Martin and Chris Want asked for any comments that developers/users wanted to share with Google about SOC. There were no specific comments.

Peach report

Ton reported that during the next week everyone will help installing network and computers, then do preparations for conference. After that, Peach work would get on top of the agenda. Blogs will start being posted daily soon.