
提供: wiki
移動先: 案内検索

Meeting Summary

Meeting was moderated by mfoxdogg, who later passed the gavel to someone else. jdpf volunteered to take over from there.

Topics Discussed

  1. Peach Report
    1. Setup time.
    2. Getting ready for Blender Conf next week.
  2. Patch status
    1. [ideasman42's work on removing UV Face Mode]
    2. zaghaghi offered status on 2D filter work.
    3. centralnoise offered status on GameEngineDev/BlendX
    4. schlaile offered status on prefetch buffering for sequencer.
    5. patch status for 6824.
    6. ...
  3. New proposals
    1. zaghaghi discussed idea about providing a 2D UI layer for games built using the GE. zaghaghi will research and present more formalized proposal idea.
    2. Nichod_ sought input on the funded development idea. Will also prepare a wiki document to share at a later meeting.
    3. sorsis will present proposal for integration with [BURP] at a later meeting.