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Current projects

  • antihc3 has been working on copy and paste for all OS's
  • zaghaghis sun/sky patch will available tomorrow, with all tons suggestions satisfied, he is now working on user docs
  • LordMetroid - is writing an exporter to export models to C-code

2.46 release

  • remaining testbuilds for testbuild 1 release
  • MSVC has some ffmpeg requirements yet, so might take some days yet
  • for testbuild1 openmp is compilers choice - for later builds though we would like it in
  • for openmp on windows - we need either a professional license for the MSVC compiler or possibly (not checked to be sure it will work) a pro license for the intel compiler - so MS folks or intel folks - email Ton if you would be willing to sponsor such a license

Remaining peach needs and new apricot needs

  • bugfixes!
  • also current head will become 2.46/peach branch so apricot work can continue in head
  • apricot currently needs people with love for mesh edit, multires, drawing speed..., the apricot artists and designers will rely much more heavily on 3d sculpting and baking than was expected when the original plan for apricot was formulated.

bug tracker

it is having problems taking attachments - experienced/talented mysql and php developers wanted for helping out with the blender and site


  • Applications for those organizations interesting in sponsoring are due soon
  • If we are accepted, we would like to help ensure a higher success rate as far as ultimately being included in a release. Some thoughts are - 1) encourage the prospective proposer to try and fix a bug in current code to help become familiar with the code base 2) more emphasis on previous experience/proof of finished work 3) narrower scope and more incremental instead of the large scope projects