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Sunday meetings 16h CEST, 14h UTC | please add a topic you would like to be discussed at

Current Projects

no current projects discussed


  • UncleZeiv is working on faster light tree creation, this is important when you have a really huge number of lights which in turn is needed by indirect lighting. here are some preliminary results: this is very very wip, and still uncommitted but he hopes to have something interesting next week
  • nicholasbishop is working on the last piece of the puzzle for his SoC project is fixing loading of old multires files.
  • jaguardandi is doing documentation and commeting code, And might implement a few community requests.. if they come up and are doable in time
  • maxime completed the main goal, removing all dependencies. the integration in blender render pipeline will be done post gsoc
  • quorns project should be fine to get everything done for the 18th deadline but similarly i will be around for a few more weeks to do anything more that is required


It was felt that the current code base for python based Collada was good but that it has a number of bugs to fix, and it might be a good idea to autogenerate the low level parts of the python importer from the specification.

Currently there isn't a 'lead' for the Collada project, although Ton will be seeing if 'tim' would be willing/interested

further discussion was moved to the python mailing list.


according to Ton, bdiego thinks it can be ready to go soon