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January 8th 2006

1) 2.40 review & 2.41 update decision

instead of "2.40a" we drop the a/b convention and the 2.40 bugfix release will be called 2.41. in addition to bugfixes, it will include bpy api additions to complete the new armature/bone module, and the recent game engine improvements. so this week we attack the tracker, next sunday we then do 2.41 release, unless showstoppes are found during meeting.

2.42 later, with bigger patches like the sequencer memory management, and perhaps this is when the orange merging will happen (so armature layers, nodal material editing etc. will be included).

2) branches / svn - managing the development

a proposal: 3-level CVS idea, with 'root' for bugfix only, 'dev' for approved projects and 'project branches' for large refactors. with the rule that a bugfix *has* to be done in 'dev', and if possible in 'root' (previous release). this probably makes sense to be made so that CVS HEAD (svn trunk) is 'dev', 'bugfix-only' is just the tagged release.

when project branches are introduced, we also need good mechanisms for the communication channels (like emailed commit messages, discussion lists), so that interested parties can nicely follow the branches they want, but not everything is always spammed to everone.

3) CVS & CMS rights

  • CVS commit rights - maybe the following in addition to the two game engine coders snailrose and dreamkatana - possiby make Peter a co-owner of the the sequencer?
  • Ed Halley
  • Peter Schlaile
  • CMS editing permissons - it would be a good idea to expand Roland Hess (Harkymans) CMS editing and publishing rights - he is an experienced editor and did a superb job on cleaning up the CMS hosted release notes

we also need new CMS admins (Toni, Nathan), Ton will talk about this with Bart. Now 'UnNamed' has publishing rights.

also it would be good for Tom Musgrove to have CVS rights for bugfixing.

4) Game Engine

Armatures are being tested and reported work well. is one place for it. This is really cool 'cause the GE actullly uses the Blender internal code for them. Hopefully things are now good enough to bring GE users from 2.37a and 2.25 to 2.4 series too.

Patches from new devs are added, with GLSL things and whatnot, so 2.41 will be almost like a GE release. Props to the devs!


the strategy with patches was decided as part of 1), these pre-meeting notes remain here to have the detailed info available:

  • Python
  • theeth (submitted by Cambell Barton) - clever numbuts patch - has been reviewed previously and now updated with Tons requests - desired for a number of Cambos scripts

  • reimpell patch - [ #3701 ] Fix for Key.type and access to KeyBlock.curval in the Blender.Key module - needed for Ogre3d exporter - reviewed by khughes and stivs - perhaps accept for now and mention likely reworked for 2.41?

  • jms patch - [ #3663 ] a function to insert a shape in an object - reviewed by Stivs

  • ascotan api module - ready to commit - restores the rest of what is needed for exporters and importers to have previous animation API capabilities
  • mathutils api module - a few minor fixes desired - in particular the radians and degrees inconsistencies.
  • briggs merge patch - has been previously reviewed - he has eliminated the original issue of adding stuff to the structs by using the new patch by Hos.
  • Other issues - add plugins to the make files so they are compiled with the standard compile...