Dev talk:2.5/Source/Data system/Outliner

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Excerpt from IRC (17-apr-2013)

kaito first idea is ok - but i'd suggest 1 change, to not draw the tree expand icon yellow the text "1/20" also says "1 selected in 20 other items" make that draw with select color optionally (+) icon should not try to visualize more or other than collapse/expand

ui should be just clear in atomic ways, not try to combine info too much outliner is already too much a spaceship ui

speed is a complex topic, outliner is stable now, so work on speed has to be done with utmost care

gaia: "Navigate to selected" i don't see the use really

layer visibility is header option there. that's enough think atomic - make sure you can do things in 1 way, not in 10 different ways

view all lamps: set outliner to "show selected" and in 3d view use "select all type" "Add a search field " - we already have search "D&D multiple items" - is entirely different topic

our d&d system was designed to only do 1 item "Locate active object in collapsed tree " - we have Home key, which shows the hierarchy open

"Lock outliner to active" - is conflicting with the design of outliner options like "Select Parent recursive", isnt this in 3d view?