Dev talk:Ref/Requests/Sequencer/Strips

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IPOs on the strips

Some people suggested IPO-editing directly on the timeline for crossfading etc. Don't see any sense here. IPOs are nice. What do you think? Peter Schlaile

  • Using the IPO window is all well and good, but when you are working with multiple tracks all fading in and out, it is nice to be able to see all the fades within the context of one another. An example of it put to use is a scene with two layers. One of still images and one of video with the video fading in and out to cut between the stills. It would be nice to see where the fades are on the strip itself to better place the stills than to have to take note of the frame numbers of the start and stop for each fade in a seperate IPO window. Maybe don't have IPO editing directly on the strip itself, but at least let us see the fade. directedition
  • You may be surprised: that is already possible in Blender 2.42... Just open more than one IPO-window and make the several IPO-windows sticky to the strips you are interested in. Peter Schlaile
  • Further to the comments above, it may also be an option to overlaying multiple IPOs in the IPO window to represent the different, selected audio tracks. envisage this would look much the same as overlaying X, Y and Z IPOs during Object Animation. Ammusionist
  • This will basically break the logic of the interface. The IPOs are connected to strips. Why should I control the volume of strip A with the IPOs of strip B? (Leaving away IPO-drivers for a moment ;-) Peter Schlaile

Envelopes - could be like effect IPO's drawn over the strips?So you can see where is which key.

  • You can already simulate that behaviour by making an IPO-window sticky to it's effect strip and switching it to "IPO frame lock"-mode. (Making the IPO-window lock time to other windows.) Previewing it is maybe nevertheless a nice idea. Peter Schlaile

IPO editing on the timeline would be great, but it would require a rethinking about how the sequencer scales. Currently it is impossible to get a strip to stretch on the Y axis to any decent length, so you'd be editing IPO curves in this tiny box. I'd really like to see IPO curves overlayed on top of strips when needed (a good workflow would be: select the strip, then hit tab), but for it to work the ability to have one strip fill the sequencer window by hitting home or Numpad-Period is also needed.

  • can't really get it. You noticed the "IPO frame locked"-button in the effect strip preferences? Maybe that was the feature, you were missing. --Peter Schlaile 19:02, 29 November 2006 (CET)


Apple's Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro

Autodesk's Smoke


Preview of movie frames on the strips

Preview of movie frames directly on the timeline. Is done in most other video editors, but I personally do not see any sense in this behaviour (besides wasting CPU-time). What do you think? Peter Schlaile

  • Rather useful to provide visual cues for editing. Avid and FCP both offer this. I don't believe Smoke does.

Preview of wave audio on the strips

Preview of wave audio on the timeline for Audio (HD). Should be optional. On long timelines it is just crazy. Should always be done with seperate cache files. Peter Schlaile

  • Love the idea of previews for both images and audio but also IPOs. Excellent feature if we can keep the overhead down. In the case of audio, this is a wonderful way to drop markers and such on audio cues. This is obviously assuming we can get a little more sense into the zooming / scaling within the sequencer strip view.

Preview of IPOs on the strips

Identical to what Peter has suggested above, but show the sequencer strip IPO curves and transitions. Note the transition indicators on the strip view in the Final Cut Pro sample strips image above.


Snap in both ways: actually, pressing CTRL, sstrips snap to the cursor and the markers, but also snap the green cursor and markers to the sstrips they encounter would help a lot. That's normal in FinalCut for example: if you have 3 strips with sstart at 10, 20 and 50, the cursor snap to 10,20,50. Many times I had to zoom to frame accuracy to place the CFRA or a marker at the end of a sstrip to be able to use that as a "magnet" for other sstrips on a different channel. mindrones


"Lockgroup"-Button: Move these sequencer strips only together in a group. Peter Schlaile

  • isn't that what meta-strips are for? intrr
  • it is sometimes too clumsy to meta, when you only wanted to make your movie strip in sync with it's corresponding audio track Peter Schlaile

Instead of a lock group button, why not just add grouping functionality like there is in the rest of Blender? That keeps the UI consistant and intuitive.

  • I'm also not very sure about this lock group idea. I personally was completely happy with metastrips, but I saw the point, that it is very annoying, that you can't connect easily your video strips to there corresponding audio strips. But maybe I haven't got your point. Metastrips seem to work like the other grouping functions, right? --Peter Schlaile 19:02, 29 November 2006 (CET)
    • Is Blender's 'parent' approach suitable here? It would keep things consistent with the rest of Blender and possibly help to alleviate some of the bulk? Sobotka 01:29, 13 September 2009 (UTC)


Markers attached to strips: keep references relative to the sstrip (i.e. the position where the actor touches the wall), see the picture below :). Since you grab markers with CTRL-G, an idea could be: CTRL-G + Y moves vertically the yellow pin, which can then snap to strips of choice. Relative marker

  • I could see this being a very useful feature to help log elements in strips. Plus one from this fellow. Sobotka 01:29, 13 September 2009 (UTC)


Final Cut Pro
Properties copy-paste: in FC, you select a strip, APPLE+C (copy), click another strip, and APPLE+V (paste), FC asks "what do you want to paste?" and you toggle FX, others properties etc.

  1. multiple panels at once: this could be done in Blender, selecting a strip, CTRL+C, and then CTRL-V on all the selected strips, and have Blender asking which properties panel to paste (Proxy, Filters, and Edit are ok, Input I don't know, could be useful to paste Crop and Use Translate properties, but would override file input?).
  2. single panel paste:: to be more specific and avoid blender asking, one could point the mouse on the background of a panel (say Filter), CTRL+C, and then CTRL+V on another strip's Filter panel, to paste all of those Filter properties. In this case the mouse can't be on text fields, because they already have the CTRL+C/V feature, so probably the mouse have to be on the panel header/background
  3. paste the strip format on the render format panel: with a copy-paste like the one described here, one could "copy a strip" and paste it on the Render "Format" panel, as a quick way to format the render output the same as a particular strip of choice. The same applies to paste an audio strip to the Sequencer panel in the Audio Buttons view
  4. paste a strip properties to all the strips in a channel: same paradigm, copy with CTRL+C on a strip, then CTRL+V with the mouse on a channel or a channel number


Channels controls

The baking bit is really a great idea. You might want to adopt the track idea from garage band, where you can lock a track by simply clicking a little lock on the side. In addition there's the notion of muting strips later on; having controls for muting, soloing, and locking / freezing all on the side in a place that doesn't change (similar to how Shape Key names and sliders are always visible on the left in the Action editor) would be great. This doesn't proclude the ability to lock / solo / mute individual strips -- that could still be done through menus or through the N-key panel.

Temporary section

Something that always bothers me: It's nearly impossible to put up a strip that's only one frame.

  • To put up, or to select? I thought, that simply dragging the handles at the side to there extremal position should do the trick... ? --Peter Schlaile 19:02, 29 November 2006 (CET)