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Vertex Tools

This page covers many of the tools in the Mesh » Vertices menu. These are tools that work primarily on vertex selections, however, some also work with edge or face selections.


Merging Vertices

Mode: Edit mode

Hotkey: AltM

Menu: Mesh » Vertices » Merge..., Specials » Merge or Vertex Specials » Merge

This tool allows you to merge all selected vertices to an unique one, deleting all others. You can choose the location of the surviving vertex in the menu this tool pops up before executing:

At First
Only available in Vertex select mode, it will place the remaining vertex at the location of the first one selected.
At Last
Only available in Vertex select mode, it will place the remaining vertex at the location of the last one selected (the active one).
At Center
Available in all select modes, it will place the remaining vertex at the center of the selection.
At Cursor
Available in all select modes, it will place the remaining vertex at the 3D Cursor.
This is a special option, as it might let “live” more than one vertex. In fact, you will have as much remaining vertices as you had “islands” of selection (i.e. groups of linked selected vertices). The remaining vertices will be positioned at the center of their respective “islands”. It is also available via the Mesh » Edges » Collapse menu option…

Merging vertices of course also deletes some edges and faces. But Blender will do everything it can to preserve edges and faces only partly involved in the reunion.

AutoMerge Editing

Mode: Edit mode

Menu: Mesh » AutoMerge Editing

The Mesh menu as a related toggle option: AutoMerge Editing. When enabled, as soon as a vertex moves closer to another one than the Limit setting (Mesh Tools panel, see below), they are automatically merged.

Remove Doubles

Mode: Edit mode

Panel: Editing context → Mesh Tools

Hotkey: W » 4 or CtrlV » Remove doubles

Menu: Mesh » Vertices » Remove Doubles, Specials » Remove Doubles or Vertex Specials » Remove Doubles

Remove Doubles is a useful tool to simplify a mesh by merging vertices that are closer than a specified distance to each other. An alternate way to simplify a mesh is to use the Decimate modifier.

Merge Distance
Sets the distance threshold for merging vertices, in Blender units.
Allows vertices in selection to be merged with unselected vertices. When disabled, selected vertices will only be merged with other selected ones.



Mode: Edit mode

Hotkey: V

Menu: Mesh » Vertices » Rip

Rip creates a “hole” into a mesh by making a copy of selected vertices and edges, still linked to the neighbor non-selected vertices, so that the new edges are borders of the faces on one side, and the old ones, borders of the faces of the other side of the rip.


selected vertex
Hole created after using rip on vertex

Edges selected
Result of rip with edge selection

A complex selection of vertices
Result of rip operation


Rip will only work when edges and/or vertices are selected. Using the tool when a face is selected (explicitly or implicitly), will return an error message “Can’t perform ripping with faces selected this way”. If your selection includes some edges or vertices that are not “between” two faces (manifold), it will also fail with message “No proper selection or faces include”.

Rip Fill

Mode: Edit mode

Hotkey: AltV

Menu: Mesh » Vertices » Rip Fill

Rip fill works the same as the Rip tool above, but instead of leaving a hole, it fills in the gap with geometry.

Edges selected
Result of rip fill


Mode: Edit mode

Hotkey: Y

Menu: Mesh » Vertices » Split

A quite specific tool, it makes a sort of copy of the selection, removing the original data if it is not used by any non-selected element. This means that if you split an edge from a mesh, the original edge will still remain unless it is not linked to anything else. If you split a face, the original face itself will be deleted, but its edges and vertices remain unchanged. And so on.

Note that the “copy” is left exactly at the same position as the original, so you must move it (G) to see it clearly…


Mode: Edit mode

Hotkey: P

Menu: Mesh » Vertices » Separate

This will separate the selection in another mesh object, as described here.

Vertex Connect

Mode: Edit mode

Hotkey: J

Menu: Mesh » Vertices » Vertex Connect or CtrlV » Vertex Connect

Vertex Connect takes two vertices that share a face, and creates an edge between the two, splitting the face into two new faces.

Selected vertices before connecting
After connecting vertices
Two faces created from vertex connect operation

Vertex Slide

Mode: Edit mode

Panel: Editing context → Mesh Tools

Hotkey: ⇧ ShiftV » Vertex Slide

Menu: Mesh » Vertices » Vertex Slide or CtrlV » Vertex Slide

Vertex Slide will transform a vertex along one of its adjacent edges. Use ⇧ ShiftV to access the tool. Highlight the desired edge by moving the mouse, then confirm with LMB Template-LMB.png. Drag the cursor to specify the position along the line formed by the edge, then LMB Template-LMB.png again to move the vertex. There are three options available by holding the following keys:

Snap to Midpoint ⇧ Shift
Snap to Endpoint Alt
Snap and Merge to Endpoint Control
Selected vertex
Positioning vertex interactively
Repositioned vertex


Mode: Edit mode

Panel: Editing context → Mesh Tools

Hotkey: CtrlV » Smooth vertex

Menu: Mesh » Vertices » Smooth, Specials » Smooth or Vertex Specials » Smooth

This will apply once the Smooth Tool.

Make Vertex Parent

Mode: Edit mode

Hotkey: CtrlP

Menu: Mesh » Vertices » Make Vertex Parent

This will parent the other selected object(s) to the vertices/edges/faces selected, as described here.

Add Hook

Mode: Edit mode

Hotkey: CtrlH

Menu: Mesh » Vertices » Add Hook

Adds a Hook Modifier (using either a new empty, or the current selected object) linked to the selection. Note that even if it appears in the history menu, this action cannot be undone in Edit mode – probably because it involves other objects…

Blend From Shape, Propagate Shapes

Mode: Edit mode

Hotkey: W » AltBlend from shape or CtrlV » Blend From Shape, and W » AltShape propagate or CtrlV » Shape Propagate

Menu: (Vertex) Specials » Blend From Shape and Vertex Specials » Shape Propagate

These are options regarding shape keys.