Doc talk:2.4/Tutorials/Animation/BSoD/Character Animation/Creating the mouth

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"Extruding the mouth"

...Enter Extrude mode (E>>Only Edges). Extrude Mode automatically puts you in Grab mode. Move the mouse around to see what Extrude does.

Hmm, I think it would be much better to specifically say which direction / what to do with the mouse, instead of just "move it around", don't you? This tutorial, in your own words in the introductoin is supposed to be geared towards Blender beginners :)

Mike --Mstram 15:15, 30 September 2006 (CEST)

With referance to Extruding the mouth

I dont think you mentioned that when scaling the mouth out that the pivot point needs to be set to the median point.Someone on blenderartist was having trouble getting the same results as they where scaling about the 3d cursor. --Hazza 19:48, 26 January 2007 (CET)

Added Pivot Center

Thanks for the feedback. I added a note on the Pivot Center on this page. Marenzelleria 16:47, 17 February 2008 (CET)


You really need to tell which way to move the mouse when extruding.

Trouble with Extruding

I followed the tutorial exactly as its said and i don't know why i got a different result. Maybe it could be because it's not the same version, but i'm not sure if i'm actually doing something wrong, so i took a screenshot and hope you guys can help me.

And another thing, even after pressing Keypad1 to change the view, when i add the plane, it doesn't start with the XZ orientation (With its face turned to me), it aways start with the XY, regardless what my view is. So i rotated the square 90 degreess.