Doc talk:2.4/Tutorials/Physics/BSoD/Math

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I hope it's okay that I leave some notes here. If I've made any mistakes in my edits I apologize; this is my first experience with Mediawiki and it's still very new to me.

I've made serious edits to most of the document. I skipped the Rigid Body and Fluid Sim sections because, to be honest, they're a little over my head and I wouldn't to make an edit for what I thought to be grammatical reasons, only to find out that the original way was correct and that I've changed the meaning of what was being said.

I wanted to list some edits here that I think this document still needs:

In Section 3:

"The vectorial sum of all the forces acting on the particle equals has the same direction and orientation of the acceleration."

This sentence makes little sense and should be edited for clarity. I would suggest:

"The vectorial sum of all forces on the particle result in a single vector indicating the particle's orientation and velocity."

In Section 5:

"A common application of this method, plus some more hypotheses, leaves us into a wide field of engineering which nowadays is called Finite Element Analyis."

This sentence makes little sense. It should either be edited for clarity or removed altogether (I personally don't feel it adds anything to the section, so I'd cut it if this were my document).

If you need me you can PM me on the forums, or leave me note on this page, or mail me at kattkieru on gmail or yahoo.

~ Charles