Doc talk:2.6/Tutorials/Your First Animation/1.A static Gingerbread Man

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Hello there :-)

First to clarify a bit: I'm not a blender-veteran (but not new to 3D) and I simply ported the tutorial to 2.5 here (meaning: it's not done by me in the first place ;-) ). If you are looking for a way to get into blender I also recommend (heavily) looking in The essential blender which you can find here:

It's written for 2.4 but nonetheless gives an excellent overview (and even quite a bit more) about how blender works. The gingerbreadman is not a bad start, but tries to do a bit too much at once (at least to me it was in the first place - but styles of learning differ ;-) ).

About your suggestions:

  • I added a bit about naming Gus.
  • Added a comment about how to get a similar view of things as in the subdivided view of the cube
  • I restructured the text a bit and added a 'Tip:' in front of the paragraph about circle select so to help others to avoid your mistake (but your NOT stupid! ;-) )

  • Your screen capture looks like you activated Apply modifiers to editing cache (the outer right icon in the modifiers top-row) which is deactivated by default. So I left things there as they are.
  • Added a note about moving the mouse to the right area to get the shortcut to do, what it's supposed to do
  • corrected to 'context' once again and deleted the mentioning of 'editing context' which isn't correct in 2.5

I didn't work through part II thoroughly enough to port it to 2.5 (besides the fact that porting this part was three days of work (I was learning the wiki besides ...)). So it might need some time until I get the courage to do so ;-)

Thanks again for your remarks!

--Sagadur 12:25, 1 January 2011 (UTC)

PKHG: maybe include in front of building the cube: Shift S --> Cursor to Center? Or not erasing the default cube? CursorToCenter.jpg