Doc talk:2.4/Reference/Windows/Action

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Sorry but this is not really clear enough for me.

What I or anyone learning animation-with-Blender needs to know is

  1. how do I create a new action key, I don't want a copy of some other action key I want an empty one
  2. how do I get rid of actions that I don't want there seems to be many many actions and I want to get rid of most of them
  3. how do I rename an action?
  4. what is 'unlinking', you refer to this but you don't describe it
  5. what does this number mean, how can an action have multiple users, and what difference is there if the action is (i) local or (ii) not local?

Sorry if this seems like a rant but the whole action/NLA thing is a great importer of time and exporter of frustration for me, and I guess for other users M.e 16:29, 14 February 2008 (CET)