Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Game Engine/Gamekit Engine

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Gamekit Engine
Launch game using the fine gamekit engine
UI location
Usage Choose the "Gamekit" render engine and set runtime parameters in render panels.
Version 0.1 2010/07/21 Author(s) xat
Blender 2.53 r#30563 License MIT

Executable information
File name game_engine_gamekit.py
Current version download http://code.google.com/p/gamekit/source/browse/#svn/trunk/BlenderAddon
External Python Modules or dependencies Gamekit binary

Links http://code.google.com/p/gamekit/


  • Download the script then copy the game_gamekit directory into your \\.blender\scripts\addons folder.
  • Open Blender and go to the addons tab in User Preferences.
  • Enable the script


  • Choose Gamekit as the render engine
  • Choose the Gamekit executable in the "Gamekit Runtime" property in the render panels.
  • Start the game and enjoy.

Gamekit guia 01.png