Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Import-Export/Adobe After Effects/Changelog

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io_export_after_effects.py changelog

Thomas Volkmann aka knekke: created blender2AE.py - first exporter using jsx solution (blender 2.4)
Bartek Skorupa: modified blender2AE.py - added: rotations, possibility of export camera not tracked to empty, export not only meshes (blender 2.4)
Atom: converted exporter to Blender 2.5 API.
Bartek Skorupa: converted to 2.5.2 API
Adam Wasila: Conversion to operator, based on operator template available in 2.5alpha2

08.06.10 - v.01
Bartek Skorupa: created new exporter basing on previous experience and some solutions from Paolo Ciccone's AEE for blender 2.49

24.07.10 - v.04
Bartek Skorupa: conversion to 2.53 API, change the world scale so that 1 BU = 100 pixels
04.08.10 - v.041
Bartek Skorupa: conversion to 2.53 r31005 API
05.08.10 - v.041a
Bartek Skorupa: added non-square pixels support
11.09.10 - v.042
Bartek Skorupa: conversion to 2.54 r31880 API
10.12.10 - v.043
Bartek Skorupa: conversion to 2.55 r33578 API
04.01.11 - v.043a
Bartek Skorupa: minor descriptions changes. Compatible with 2.56 API
11.01.11 - v.044
Bartek Skorupa: animating objects in AE fix - setValueAtTime (...) --- (frame-data['start']) / (data['fps'])
03.02.11 - v.045
Bartek Skorupa: bugfix - filename selector corrected
10.02.11 - v.046
Bartek Skorupa: convertion to 2.56 r34756 API
17.02.11 - v.047
Bartek Skorupa: convertion to 2.56 r34930 API
17.03.11 - v.048
Bartek Skorupa: bugfix - bl_info change, r35536
19.03.11 - v.049
Bartek Skorupa: performance improvement - ConvertName(ob) calls count reduced, r35536
13.04.11 - v.050
Bartek Skorupa: for official blender 2.57 release (r.36147M)
23.06.11 - v.051
Bartek Skorupa: for official blender 2.58 release (r.37702)
13.08.11 - v.052
Bartek Skorupa: for official blender 2.59 release (r.39307), change in def GetSelected: obs = bpy.context.selected_objects (direct access to selected)
19.09.11 - v.053
Francois Tarlier:
- sample time only once
- optmized JSX (use setValuesAtTimes to create all keys at once)
- made JSX executable (double click launch script in AE)
- add comment header to jsx file
- add bundles support as an export option(tomato tracking 3D point)
- add prefix option
- get rid of un-necessary datas (RotationY, RotationZ,...)
23.10.11 - v.054
Bartek Skorupa: added link to wiki
25.10.11 - v.055
Bartek Skorupa: some naming convension fixes
Campbell Barton:
- remove temp empty creation, just pass a matrix
- made pep8 compliant
- pass the context rather than getting from bpy - "def get_comp_data(context)"
01.11.11 - v.056
Bartek Skorupa: changed convert_name(). Prevent errors in AE when user inputs invalid chars
11.11.11 - v.057
Bartek Skorupa:
- changed convert_lens(). Corrected behavior when 'VERTICAL' sensor fit is used,
- added "_" between prefix and ob_name to get more readable layers' names in AE,
- minor spelling corrections in descriptions
21.11.11 - v. 058
Bartek Skorupa:
changed names to match 42052 API:
-                    if constrain.use_default_clip:
-                        mc = data['scn'].clip
+                    if constrain.use_active_clip:
+                        mc = data['scn'].active_clip

10.01.12 - v. 059
Bartek Skorupa:
- Removed check if camera has attribute 'sensor size'. This option was needed for backwards compatibility. Not needed anymore.
- Moved adding composition's name from blender's toolbox to After Effects. User specifies name when running script in AE.
- Added option to export selected objects' scale.
- Rotation and scale export is now the option. User can include or exclude those properties.
- Removed 'prefix' from AE's layers' names. This option was just creating mess. No real benefits from having this option
- If no camera is selected - at least scene's camera will be exported (if exists)
23.01.12 - v.060
Bartek Skorupa:
- Active camera export - when cameras bound to markers - option to export as one camera.
- poll fix - changed from active object to active camera or selected objects.
- Export of active camera is now optional
- Export of selected cameras is now optional
- Naming fix - Changed tracking data export naming for user from BUNDLES to 3D MARKERS
- Toolbar display change - wrapped in box, options added
- Code cleanup - Prepared structure for future options of exporting lamps as AE lights, planes as AE solids and object tracking bundles, additional conditions added to avoid AE errors in some rare cases
- Added displayStartTime on AE side to reflect exported range. It is just the way of displaying current time in AE composition.
02.03.12 - v.061
Bartek Skorupa:
- Added rotation_x correction to exported objects to match default zero rotation in After Effects. Objects with zero rotation in blender lay on the floor. In AE leyers with zero rotation face the camera. AE users are used to this behavior, so this change gives them a better feeling.
10.03.12 - v.062
Bartek Skorupa:
- Added export of Blender's lamps as After Effects lights. Type of Blender's lamp is added to name of After Effects light.
- Added option to export static scene. In this case not necessary to go through each frame and refresh context.
- Added several conditions to prevent from adding unnecessary keyframes in After Effects. Values of properties that don't changed are set once and no keyframes are added.
12.03.12 - v.063
Bartek Skorupa:
- Changed the way of transfering rotations. Now Blender's rotation is represented by After Effects Orientation only by using ZYX euler rotation order. Not necessary to use AE's Rotation X property anymore