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Carver MT
Advanced boolean & cutting tools
UI location Group: Mesh
Usage Cut & Boolean Objects directly in the 3d view
Version 1.1.5 Author(s) Pixivore, Cédric LEPILLER
Blender 2.77 License GPL

Executable information
File name mesh_carver.py
Current version download https://developer.blender.org/diffusion/BAC/browse/master/mesh_carver.py (click link then view Raw to d/l)

Links https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?400038-Carver http://pixivores.com

Carver wiki.jpg


  • If you have an active bevel on the object to be cut, it will update automatically as well as objects that will be created.
  • To begin, select one or more objects, depending on the number of objects, the add-on will adjust to that.
  • One object, you can cut (basic operation) and use the default patterns.
  • Multiple objects, you can also cut, use patterns, and the last selected object serves as "brush" If you enter in the "Brush Object" mode.
  • It works on all selected objects, so you can cut two objects or apply a "brush" to all objects at the same time.
  • The add-on is more accurate on orthographic view for basic Boolean operations.
  • For others operations you can use the view if you wish.
  • Ctrl⇧ ShiftX to call the add-on
  • RMB Template-RMB.png to exit
  • CtrlZ to Undo (There no limits, so be careful to doesn't overload)
  • I made you a summary of the commands. H to have the help when the screen is large enough to display.
  • When you run the addon at start:
  • Basic Boolean operations
  • ⇧ Shift maintained, allows to make a rebool
  • Space to change tool
  • Alt allows you to move the cut
  • D to use the position of the cursor as depth. You can move the cursor with Ctrl + LMB Template-LMB.png
  • the "RECTANGLE" tool, you click, you move and click again to confirm the operation
  • the "LINE" tool to polygonal cuts. You click to the desired location and you validate with Space.
  • It also allows you to bisect one or more objects. You click to the first point, you move to the desired location and press Space to confirm the cutting.
  • Ctrl allows to move incrementally
  • the "CIRCLE" tool, click then move to change the radius (vertical axis) or rotation (horizontal axis)
  • W X allows to change the circle subdivisions
  • C to switch to Create Mode
  • Space to choose the tool type
  • Reacts in the same way as above for commands
  • Once validated, the add-on stops and selects the object created

"- Mode "Profil", flat objects' are present by default. You can add your own with the "ProfilCreate.py" file that I will explain after. (To Do)

  • B to enter when you're in basic Boolean operations
  • If you move your mouse over the object, you will see an overview of the pattern that you use + a preview at the bottom right
  • Space to make a difference
  • ⇧ Shift Space for the rebool
  • Alt Space to create the object
  • S Scale
  • LMB Template-LMB.png and move the mouse to rotate
  • Ctrl maintained to rotate with 45°
  • W X to change the tool type
  • L for instances when you duplicate the object (with Alt maintained)
  • D to change the thickness of the pattern. Then you move your mouse on the horizontal axis.
  • T to do a 'UNION' Boolean (doesn't work with multiple objects)
  • Ctrl maintained to constraint axis
