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Toon 1

Example output of Toon 1 node.[.blend]

This script produces simple toony surface. Adjust zmax and zmin for interesting results. Note that zmax > zmin. Else they are swapped.

from math import log, hypot
from Blender import Node

class Toon1Node(Node.Scripted):
    def __init__(self, sockets):
        zmax = Node.Socket('Zmax', val=1.0, min=0.01, max=10.0)
        zmin = Node.Socket('Zmin', val=0.5, min=0.01, max=10.0)
        col = Node.Socket('Color', val = 4*[1.0])
        sockets.input = [col, zmax, zmin]
        sockets.output = [col]

    def __call__(self):
        view_normal = self.shi.viewNormal
        max = self.input.Zmax
        min = self.input.Zmin
        if min >= max: min, max = max, min
        # Basic idea from X-Toon. See http://artis.inrialpes.fr/Publications/2006/BTM06a/ .
        D = 1.0- log(hypot(view_normal[0], view_normal[1])/min) / log(max/min)
        self.output.Color = [x * D for x in self.input.Color]

__node__ = Toon1Node

Toon 2

Example output of Toon 2 node.[.blend]

Another toon shader. This is focused more on detecting sharp edges in a rudimentary way.

from Blender import Node

class Toon2Node(Node.Scripted):
    def __init__(self, sockets):
        col1 = Node.Socket('Color1', val = 4*[1.0])
        col2 = Node.Socket('Color2', val = 4*[1.0])
        threshold = Node.Socket('Threshold', val=0.5, min=0.0, max=1.0)
        col = Node.Socket('Color', val = 4*[1.0])
        sockets.input = [col1, col2, threshold]
        sockets.output = [col]

    def __call__(self):
        self.output.Color = self.input.Color1
        if self.shi.surfaceNormal[2] * self.shi.viewNormal[2] > self.input.Threshold:
            self.output.Color = self.input.Color2

__node__ = Toon2Node