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Measure Mesh


Measure Mesh
Get some measurements of your mesh.
UI location Group: Wizards
Version 3 - 2006.04.03 Author(s) macouno
Blender 2.42a & 2.45 License GPL

Executable information
File name MeasureMesh[1].3.py


Scripts manual cad MeasureMesh interface.png

Measure Mesh

  • This Script measures distance in Blender units.
  • Copy the script to .blender/scripts.
  • Select a Mesh, Face Or Two Verts or Edge.
  • Press the Scripts Menu.
  • Then Wizards.
  • Then Run Measure Mesh.
  • The interface has many settings.
  • Face surface area Choose Face, Edge,
  • Surface Area & other Options.
  • Global Choose Global or Local Settings.
  • Total Choose Calculation Method.
  • Press Measure The measurement will show up in the script interface.
  • Press Exit to end the script.


Thanks go to:

  • Macouno, for help, support & permissions.
