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Make a wire shape from a faceted shape. Do complex extrusions too.
UI location Group: Misc
Version v 8.8.l Author(s) jean-michel soler
Blender 2.42a - 2.48 License N/A

Executable information
File name tesselate8_8l.py

Links There is some great Documentation here: http://jmsoler.free.fr/didacticiel/blender/tutor/python_wireshadows.htm


Scripts manual wizards tesselate results.jpg

Tesselate Script

  • This script creates various modifications to shapes.
  • Wireframe of varying thickness & style.
  • Faceted cuts or holes in mesh.
  • Complex Extrusions.
  • Beveling.
  • Many variables & details can be made.
  • An excellent Undo Function.
  • This script is very Powerful & Complex.


Interface/Menu Overview 1

  • Download the .blend & open it with Blender.
  • Press Alt/p to run the script.
  • The Script GUI will appear.
  • Features: Sliders, Numeric Input, Buttons, Menu.
  • Main Menu
Scripts manual wizards tesselate interface1.jpg
  • Eng/fra Choose English or French language.
  • Save original Save the original mesh before modifying.
  • This can be useful for onion skinning,
  • but may cause crashes in some cases.
  • Undo/redo Built in undo system.
  • Xy thickness Set thickness from the face border.
  • R1 Random xy thickness between 0.0 & XY value.
  • R2 Random vert. position between original position & center of face.
  • Options to extrude along up axis Extrude along Up or Z Axis.
  • Unset intern face Add (or not) an internal face.
  • Select faces Works only on Selected Faces!
  • Digger dig a furrow while following the whole of the edges of the object
  • Set total fragmentation or by selected faces Equal to split on all the mesh.
  • Iteration Loop upon number.
  • Exit Exit the Script.
  • Make it Run the Script.
  • Enveloppe Wrap the edges of a continuous veil.
  • Chanfrien Calculation of the chamfer on the whole of the edges of the object. (Bevel)
  • Horiz Display the script menu horizontal or vertical.
  • Record Save & Load your tessellate Settings.
  • Matrix Display Extrusion Matrix Options.

Interface/Menu Overview 2

Scripts manual wizards tesselate interface2.jpg
  • Extrusion Matrix Menu
  • Matrix Turn on off Extrusion Interface.
  • Segments Appear Segmented.
  • Segments slider 1 Maximum for decalage limit.
  • Segments slider 2 Mrot.
  • Div Amount of divisions.
  • Sx/sy/sz Scale x,y,z.
  • Rx/ry/rz Rotate x,y,z..
  • Rnz/rnx/rny Rotate z,x,y, along normal.

Additional Information

  • In the Wiki writer's opinion always have Python Installed on your computer when using scripts. http://www.python.org/



Thanks go to:

  • JmSoler (jms/cobolt) for The Script.