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A.N.T.Landscape v.1.04b
Create landscape mesh.
UI location Group: Add
Version v.1.04b - 10/5/2009 Author(s) Jimmy Hazevoet
Blender 2.42a - 2.49 License GPL
Note(s) Recommended Version

Executable information
File name ANTLandscape_104a_9-2006.py

Links http://sites.google.com/site/androcto/Home/python-scripts/ANTLandscape_104b_249.py

Wiki Mirror ANTLandscape104a_9Sept2006.zip‎ http://blenderscriptstorage.googlepages.com/ANTLandscape104a_9Sept2006.zip


Scripts manual wizards ant result1.jpg
Create ANT Landscape
  • This Script Creates Landscapes.
  • There are many variables that can be set.
  • The landscapes can be tiled.
  • Combinations of settings can be used.
  • The script is not limited to landscapes.
  • Tech Walls, Pyramids & more can be achieved.
  • In fact this script has nearly unlimited variables.
  • Experimenting is the key.
  • The mesh is made at a high resolution.
  • Often I use the Poly Reducer script to reduce mesh size.
  • Let's have a look at the Interface.


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Interface/Menu Overview 1
  • Download the script & place it in Blender's default script folder.
  • Open the Script from the Scripts/Wizards Menu.
  • The Script GUI will appear.
  • Features: Sliders, Numeric Input, Buttons, Menu.
  • Mesh Menu
  • Ob Object Name.
  • 128 Mesh Resolution.
  • Solid Set Smooth or Solid.
  • Quads Mesh Quads or Triangles.
  • Vertsel Select Flat areas,
  • (higher values selects more slopes).
  • Tiles Generate Tiled Terrain.
  • Randomise Random Noise.
  • Auto Automatic Update.
  • (see changes as you make them).
  • Generate Make the Mesh.
  • note, the mesh may flicker on creation.
  • right click in the 3d window to fix this.

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Interface/Menu Overview 2
  • Noise Menu
  • Multifractal 20 Noise Type Options.
  • Blender original 10 Noise Basis Options.
  • Octs Octaves.
  • H Noise resolution/smooth/rough.
  • Lacu Lacunarity,
  • (Lacunarity is a measure of how data fills space).
  • Rand():ble 3 algorithms for random data .
  • Iscale Noise intensity scale.
  • Inv. Noise invert.
  • Offset Noise Offset.
  • Noise size Noise Size.
  • Size x Noise Size X value.
  • Size y Noise Size Y value.
  • Loc x Noise Location X value.
  • Loc y Noise Location Y value.
  • Randomise Random Noise.
  • Auto Automatic Update.
  • (see changes as you make them).
  • Generate Update the Mesh.
  • (if auto is turned off)

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Interface/Menu Overview 3.1
  • Effect Menu
  • No effect do not add special effect to mesh.
  • There are 25 Special Effects that can be added to your mesh.
  • Of great interest is the Image effect.
  • Load an image to displace the mesh.
  • The other effects are equally wonderful.
  • When you add an Effect.
  • An option appears to use the Effect only.
  • Or the Effect will be mixed with other menu settings.
  • This gives great scope for combination, custom landscapes.
  • Each Effect, has it's own menu & settings.
  • I will only document 1 Effect for practicality purposes.

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Interface/Menu Overview 3.2
  • Effects Menu
  • Turbulence Effect Type.
  • Blender original 10 Effect Basis Options.
  • Depth Octaves.
  • Hard noise Noise resolution/smooth/rough.
  • Amp Amplitude Scale.
  • Freq Frequency Scale.
  • Add 12 Mix Options.
  • (This menu includes the Effect Only setting).
  • Mix Mix factor/Warp amount.
  • Iscale Effect: Intensity Scale.
  • Inv Effect: Invert.
  • Offset Effect Offset.
  • Noise size Effect Size.
  • Size x Effect Size X value.
  • Size y Effect Size Y value.
  • Loc x Effect Location X value.
  • Loc y Effect Location Y value.
  • Randomise Effect Random Noise.
  • Auto Automatic Update.
  • (see changes as you make them).
  • Generate Update the Mesh.
  • (if auto is turned off)

Scripts manual wizards ant interface 4.jpg
Interface/Menu Overview 4
  • Height Menu
  • No filter IpoCurve or Default.
  • Height Terrain Height Scale.
  • Inv Terrain Height Invert.
  • Offset Terrain Height Offset.
  • No edge falloff 10 settings for Terrain Height Edge Falloff.
  • Plateau Terrain Height Clamp Max (Plateau).
  • Sea level Terrain Height Clamp Min (Sea Level).
  • Randomise Height Random Noise.
  • Auto Automatic Update.
  • (see changes as you make them).
  • Generate Update the Mesh.
  • (if auto is turned off)

Scripts manual wizards ant interface 5.jpg
Interface/Menu Overview 5
  • Options Menu
  • Preview image Preview Image on/off.
  • See Image in UV/Image editor window.
  • Load Load vertCol Gradient Image.
  • Select Select vertCol Gradient Image.
  • Enable vertcol gradient
  • Enable Vertex Color gradient Image.
  • Set Window draw mode Textured,
  • Set Material Vcol Paint On!
  • Randomise Randomise Noise.
  • Auto Automatic Update.
  • (see changes as you make them).
  • Generate Update the Mesh.
  • (if auto is turned off)
  • Enjoy this great script.
  • Many hours of fun can be had experimenting,
  • & creating complex landscape/terrain/abstract mesh.

Additional Information

  • In the Wiki writer's opinion always have Python Installed on your computer when using scripts. http://www.python.org/



Thanks go to:

  • Jimmy Haze for The Script.

Previous/Other Versions


A.N.T.Landscape v.1.04
Create landscape mesh.
UI location Group: Add
Version v.1.04 2006.05.01 Author(s) Jimmy Hazevoet
Blender 2.42a & 2.45 License N/A

Executable information
File name ANTLandscape_104.py

Links http://blenderscriptstorage.googlepages.com/ANTLandscapev104May2006.zip


A.N.T.Landscape 103

A.N.T.Landscape v.1.03
Create landscape mesh.
UI location Group: Add
Version v.1.03 Author(s) Jimmy Hazevoet
Blender 2.42a License N/A
Note(s) Included in ANTLandscape_104a_9-2006 zip file

Executable information
File name ANTLandscapeVCol103_10-2005.py

Links http://blenderscriptstorage.googlepages.com/ANTLandscape104a_9Sept2006.zip


Landscape Basic
Only the basic Noise and Height parameters.
UI location Group: Add
Version Jan. 2005 Author(s) Jimmy Hazevoet
Blender 2.42a & 2.45 License N/A

Executable information
File name a.n.t. basic.py

Links http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34955&page=2
