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脚本是一种用 Python 写的程序,它能在 Blender 里运行,并调用 Blender 提供的函数来实现新的功能。由于 Python 是一种很流行的解析型程序语言,所以它能够在很广泛的范围内扩充 Blender 的功能。世界各地的用户已经写了成百上千的脚本,而本节将列出并记录这些脚本。本节也会提供一些关于如何更容易且更有效的使用和编写脚本的信息。

Blender 2.5

Blender 2.5 跟 Blender 2.4 相比已经有了巨大的改动。Blender 2.5 现在使用 Python 3 而不是原来的 Python 2。所有的 API 也都修改过了 and is now for a big part automatically generated from Blender's internals.
This has resulted in an API that is tightly integrated into Blender, enabling scripts to go beyond the limitations that were present in older versions of Blender.

API 开发
做好 API 将发生更多改变的准备。这些 API 还没有完全稳定下来,并且可能会频繁的修改与增加。尽管如此,它们已经具有相当的可用性了。编写 Python 脚本将会有很多的乐趣,好好享受吧!


  • Scripts Catalog - An overview of the scripts that are available, including their documentation.
  • Using Add-ons - Information on how to use the add-ons you found in the catalog.


Blender 2.49b

Blender 2.49b 使用 Python 2.6 系列. There are many great scripts & examples of scripting in this section. You cannot open these scripts in Blender 2.5. However the vast array of algorithms is still very useful.

