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Well, here there’s some work…

We only talk here about rigging/skinning/etc, no animation. Anyway, animating bones of armatures is not much different than animating standard objects…

This is the part I know less, so I should learn much while writing/updating it! But this also implies it is the one most likely to change over writing process! Anyway, I think this is a rather good starting point…

--Mont29 11:56, 1 April 2010 (UTC)

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Page title Old page New page
Introduction Doc:Manual/Animation/Armatures Meta:Sandbox/NewAnimation/Manual/Rigging
	Rapid intro about armatures (their uses), skinning and posing (armature
	modes). Plan of whole chapter. Insist on armatures being useful not only for
	animation, but also to statically deform (pose) objects…
Armature Objects
Armatures Doc:Manual/Animation/Armatures/Object mode Meta:Sandbox/NewAnimation/Manual/Rigging/Armatures
	Intro about armatures themselves. Few words about armature in object mode
	(same possibilities/features as other object types).
	Plan of this sub-section.
	X-ray, layers, axes/names/shapes/colors… Hiding bones.
Armature Structure NEW Meta:Sandbox/NewAnimation/Manual/Rigging/Armatures/Structure
In this page we only talk about general ideas/principles. Crosslinks to each topic’s relevant page.
=Armature Structure=
	Intro: Types (octahedron/stick/B-bone), bones, chains of bones…
	Head, tail, “weights”/envelopes…
==Chains of Bones==
	Relations between bones (parent/connected/IK…).
Selecting NEW Meta:Sandbox/NewAnimation/Manual/Rigging/Armatures/Selecting
=Selecting Bones=
	Two selection “types”: whole bones, and heads/tails. How they interact.
==Selecting Whole Bones==
	How to select whole bones (rmb, linked bones, …).
==Selecting Bones Heads and Tails==
	How to select bones’ heads and tails…
Editing Doc:Manual/Animation/Armatures/Edit mode Meta:Sandbox/NewAnimation/Manual/Rigging/Armatures/Editing
In this page I should use crosslinks to Modeling chapter (hopefully in its new version!), since many editing techs are similar/the same as those for vertices…
It might become quite big (in which case I might split it, with an additional “Editing Properties” page, for names, layers, chains, …).
=Editing Bones=
	Intro. Locking bone editing. The X-axis mirror option. Crosslink to Etch-a-
	ton page.
==Adding Bones==
	Extruding, ctrl-lmb, duplicating, …
==Deleting Bones
	Deleting, merging.
==Transforming Bones==
	Grab/move/rotate of whole bone(s), grab of heads/tails…
	Influence of bones relations.
==Inserting Bones==
	Fill between joints, subdivides…
==Bone Roll==
	How to control bone roll angle.
==Chain Editing==
	How to control/modify bone chains (aka parent/child bones).
==Using Layers==
	Moving bones to layers…
	The auto-naming features…
	Weight, Segments (for B-Bones, also In and Out in Pose mode – sic!), Hinge…
	A sub-part for Envelopes properties (dist, head/tail radius).
Etch-a-ton NEW Meta:Sandbox/NewAnimation/Manual/Rigging/Armatures/Editing/EtchATon
	Intro, presentation of this tool/method (simple creation of whole bone
==Drawing Chains==
	Drawing. Visualization (future bones, …).
==Converting to Bones==
	Converting to bones.
	Sub-parts for each conversion methods (Fixed, Adaptive, Length and Template)
Skinning NEW Meta:Sandbox/NewAnimation/Manual/Rigging/Skinning
	Intro about skinning. Two types (to meshes/lattice/curves/…
	vertices/edit points, and to objects themselves).
	Plan of this sub-section.
Linking Objects to Bones NEW Meta:Sandbox/NewAnimation/Manual/Rigging/Skinning/Objects
=Linking Objects to Bones=
	Need to be in Pose mode. Stress similarities with standard object parenting.
	To possibilities: “old” bone parenting, and using Child of constraint.
Skinning to Objects’ Shapes Doc:Manual/Animation/Armatures/Mesh Skin Weighting Meta:Sandbox/NewAnimation/Manual/Rigging/Skinning/ObData
=Skinning to Shapes=
	Intro. How bones affect shapes.
==Common Options==
	Mult (using envelopes and vertex groups together), Quaternion, B-Bone Rest…
	The Base skinning behavior, working with meshes/curves/
==Vertex Groups==
	A skinning behavior available for meshes and lattices only. Weights. Groups
	names. etc.
Posing Doc:Manual/Animation/Armatures/Pose mode Meta:Sandbox/NewAnimation/Manual/Rigging/Posing
	Intro about posing, pose mode (something like “object mode for bones”), rest
	“pose library” i.e. actions; bone groups.
	Few words about needing of quaternions in rotations.
	Using Ipo, Actions, NLA (crosslinks).
	Few words about advanced features (IK, Action NLA modifier, Stride).
	Plan of this sub-section.
Visualization NEW Meta:Sandbox/NewAnimation/Manual/Rigging/Posing/Visualization
	bone “types” (i.e. action, IK, constraint, …)
	bone group.
	How to give a specific shape to a bone.
	Display of ghost frames…
	Display of temporal motion curves…
Editing NEW Meta:Sandbox/NewAnimation/Manual/Rigging/Posing/Editing
=Editing Poses=
	Intro. Similarities with animation of objects (each bone being like an
	Grab/rotate/scale of bones, inserting keys (i.e. poses).
	Rest Position, Delay Deform options.
==Pose Library==
	Using actions as pose libraries.
	The pose markers in Action editor.
	The pose library controls in Link and Material panel.
Using Constraints NEW Meta:Sandbox/NewAnimation/Manual/Rigging/Posing/Constraints
=Applying Constraints to Bones=
	Intro. Generalities about controlling bones’ possible movements (i.e. degree
	of freedom, DoF) with constraints. Crosslinks to Action and IK pages.
Inverse Kinematics Doc:Manual/Animation/Armatures/Inverse Kinematics Meta:Sandbox/NewAnimation/Manual/Rigging/Posing/IK
=Inverse Kinematics=
	Intro. Two types (with and without targets). Chain of bones.
==Auto IK==
	“Simplest” IK tool, only useful for creating poses. No extra options.
==Targetless IK==
	The IK constraint without target. Also only a posing tool, but with rotation
	control on each bone of the chain.
==Standard IK==
	IK constraint with target. No need of posing bones in the chain (even though
	it is possible), but rather to animate the target (another, non-related
	bone, or another object).
==Controlling Bone Rotation and Scale==
	How to control/limit each bone’s rotation and scale in an IK chain.
The Action Editor Doc:Manual/Animation/Armatures/The Action Editor MOVED TO ANIMATION SECTION
Non Linear Animation Doc:Manual/Animation/Armatures/Non Linear Animation MOVED TO ANIMATION SECTION