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Note, warnings, see also

  • bge.render.html#bge.render.disableMist
Notes: Put "Note:" as we have "Return type" and then put the text of the note in evidence by just changing background
at least indent notes properly so they don't break the page like this
please note that there are CLASS NOTES and FUNCTIONS/METHODS NOTES, see bge.types.html#bge.types.KX_GameObject has
also, see mathutils.html#mathutils.Matrix.invert : better to fix those bad higtlights like "ValueError"
  • bge.types.html#bge.types.CListValue.append same for warnings, could be that "warning:" is like we have "return type" now even in RED and the text as it was a normal description but in RED too, again, the thing is don't break the flow of the page like this as with notes.
  • multiple warning best use bullet lists? see bge.types.html#bge.types.KX_GameObject.reinstancePhysicsMesh
  • "See also" setions, samea sfor "note" and "warning", best to have a "See also:" fields in gray and the link at thre right
also, best removing the "<" and ">" fro the link
also, might not be needed such an evidence, the lik itself it quite visible, so now yellow box at all IMO


Source: ui/
as we do
Return type: blabla
of course "Source:" usual grey, "ui/" in grey too


Theme specific bugs

  1. color for parameters is the sidebar text color: #97B9CF
  2. bpy.ops.mesh.html#bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move: second "MESH_OT_extrude" is bold
  3. not css-ed keys here not css-ed (infact the clicking on a anchor gives gray text in gray background)
    similar problem here bge.render.html#bge.render.KX_TEXFACE_MATERIAL
    not cssed blf.html#blf.CLIPPING
  4. bge.types.html#bge.types.SCA_ISensor: methods description seems too much indented to me, would be cool having all the descriptions stuff more to the left
    another example here, which is even worse bge.types.html#bge.types.BL_ShapeActionActuator
  5. parameter text is not css-ed