Org:Foundation/Bf-education/Archive/WikiNews/2006 Sept 03rd

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                    BF-Education NEWS

Hello BF-Educators'

Well It's Sunday, and that means all active members time to Check-in.

How's your projects going?, Any changes in Status?

Once a week Check-in emails are recommended for all active BF-Education Members.

P.S. Remember to Update the Wiki.

So What's New?

I think all who attended the Aug 27th BFE Meeting at

  1. blendereducation had a productive time.

The wiki has been updated: For all those who couldn't attend, "Go check it out".

who is an active member of Bf-Education, and what are their projects. proposal for a certification program for blender courses Call for Workshops to the Blender Conference 2006 outdated Features list for Developers to work on Blender Summer of Documentation

Fweeb and I (Jasonlan) were added to the BF-E Members list. Fweeb has been given the Permanent task of "Feature List Administrator". And I (Jasonlan) have been given the task of "keeping you all up-to-date with BF-E News."

Fweeb, If you'd like to give an Introduction of yourself, Please Do.

Well that will do for this weeks BF-E News, REMEMBER to give us all a status update for your projects.

