Org:Foundation/Bf-education/Mech modeling workshop/proposal

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1. Personal information

name: Pim

family name: de Groot

nickname: mifune

2. The title of the workshop

Mechanical modelling workshop

3. Brief summary of the proposal:

For the Blender Conference I would like to do a workshop about mechanical modelling. The aim of this workshop is to give people who haven’t done a technical study, tips and tricks for modelling something mechanical.

While modelling a old diesel engine, I’ll tell about how to make things look like they are made of cast metal, welded together or milled with a lathe or milling machine. The importance of bevelling and round edges will be explained too, among other design tips that can strengthen an object (if it would be made in real life). Importing drawings/models from autocad and a 3d cad program like inventor or solidworks will be shown too.

The workshop will be divided like this:

1.Theory (about 15 minutes)

2.Creating a basic structure, casted parts (20 min)

3.Creating the crankshaft, piston and flywheel, lathe and cnc milling (20 min)

4.oil lines, hoses and other pipes (15 min)

5.Making the engine move, animating. (20 min)

6.Questions (15 min)

7.Extra time (15 min)

The workshop will take about two hours. The workshop is still a WIP, so this is a rough outline. More information about the workshop will be released at the wiki page in August.

4. Outline of technical needs:

I will need:

A computer

A digital projector

Software: Blender

5. Brief narrative biography

Pim de Groot (aka mifune) is a 2nd year student mechanical engineering at the Hogeschool Rotterdam. When he has got time to use blender, he mainly makes mechanical objects. His other interests are programming (though he isnt a blender developer.) and model trains.

He is also involved with Bf-Education ( ), and the mechanical modelling workshop is his first project within Bf-education. The goal of this project is to make a workshop for Bconf and to provide an example for how to make a workshop in a structured way.

6. URLs The page for the workshop (works in progress):

Some examples of what I have made in the past: