Org:Foundation/Bf-education/Meetings/Minutes/2006 February 26th
< Org:Foundation | Bf-education | Meetings | Minutes
Minute for 26th February 2006 Meeting
Opportunity in Bulgaria for Trainers (InterSpace Media Art Center )
- Stoyo and Petko Dourmana from InterSpace joined the meeting for some clarifications on the job opportunity as follow
- It will take place in Bulgaria
- It will be done by the end of this year or begin of next year
- It will be one week long, 3 days per module
- Trainers will get complete funding, transport, accomodation and fee for teaching
- Some students and participants may be funded for travelling and accomodation
- Workshop is targeted at current 3D Studio Max and Maya users
- Workshop purpose is to introduce Open Source to Max and Maya users so they can be more competitive by using a free tool
Libre Graphics Meeting in France, chance to perform some Workshops
- rcas will be at Libre Graphics Meeting and will perform three workshops on Blender, using Blender, modeling a Human and detailing a human model
- rcas will also be talking in behalf of the Foundation as Ton won't be able to make it
- There is a call for people going to the LGM for workshops on Blender
Blender Professionals Portal, relation with Teacher and Institutions
- A new portal is being thought upon, the focus of the new portal is professionals, there was talk about how things should work for Teachers and Institutions
- Since this is a WIP project it was moved further discussion to the next meeting