「Extensions:2.4/Py/Scripts/Wizards/Cloud Generator」の版間の差分

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2018年6月29日 (金) 02:53時点における最新版

Cloud Generator
Generate volumetric clouds.
UI location Wizards
Version 0.11 Author(s) Alan Dennis (RipSting)
Blender 2.45 - 2.48 License GPL
Note(s) Also in Wizards Toolkit Bundle

Executable information
File name cloudgen.py

Links http://www.curiousexistence.com/projects/cloudgen



Scripts manual Alans Cloudgen render.jpg.png

Create Clouds

  • This Script Creates Billboard Clouds.
  • There are many variables that can be set.
  • The Clouds render in a reasonable time.
  • Tweaking the settings.
  • Excellent results can be made.
  • Works well for animation also.
  • Experimenting is the key.
  • Let's have a look at the Interface.


Scripts manual Alans Cloudgen interface.jpg

Interface/Menu Overview 1

  • Download the script & place it in Blender's default script folder.
  • Open the Script from the Scripts/Wizards Menu.
  • The Script GUI will appear.
  • Features: Sliders, Numeric Input, Buttons, Menu.
  • Main Menu/Bounds Menu
  • Bounds Set this menu First.
  • Shape See Shape menu Below.
  • Shape See Billboard menu Below.
  • Clouds name Name Your Clouds.
  • Bounding object Name of your Bounding Object.
  • Convex hull (to be tested in Blender 2.46).
  • Create bounds Create Bounding Cube if none selected.
  • Exit Exit the Script.
  • Preset menu Choose Cloud Type.
  • Show preview Preview Clouds.
  • Preview Preview Quality.
  • Load external (check future versions).
  • Save as (check future versions).
  • Website Go to Authors site for docs & more.

Scripts manual Alans Cloudgen interface2.jpg

Interface/Menu Overview 2

  • Shape Menu
  • Points/unit Points per Blender unit.
  • Jitter Randomize the placement of points.
  • Zoom Magnify Cloud Shape.
  • Colorband Enable or Disable Shading Colorband.
  • Texture1
  • Texture2
  • Mix mode 7 settings to miz texture.
  • Noise type 5 settings for noise type.
  • Size Texture size.
  • Bright Texture Brightness.
  • Cont Texture Contast.
  • Preview Preview Quality.
  • Threshold Edge Threshold.
  • Invert Invert Texture.
  • Noise basis 10 settings for Noise Basis.
  • Depth Texture Depth.
  • Create points Make the points for your Billboards to attatch to.

Scripts manual Alans Cloudgen interface3.jpg

Interface/Menu Overview 3

  • Bilboards Menu
  • Autosize billboards Creates Optimal Billboards.
  • Size Manual input for Billboard Size.
  • Tracking object Select Camera for object tracking.
  • Billboard mesh layer Select the layer to create the Billboards on.
  • Control handle layer Select the layer to create the Control Handles on.
  • Clear bounds
  • Create billboards Create Billboards
  • Q key Exit the Script.
