「Dev:Ref/Release Notes/2.64/BMesh」の版間の差分

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(Wireframe Tool)
(1版 をインポートしました)

2018年6月29日 (金) 05:49時点における最新版

Blender 2.64: Mesh Tools

Wireframe Tool

A new wireframe tool was added to make a wireframe from faces, similar to the new Skin modifier. Edit Mode, Face Menu - Shortcut CtrlF (r46063)

Blender2.64 mesh modeling.png

Convex Hull

The Convex Hull operator takes a point cloud as input and outputs a convex hull surrounding those vertices. If the input contains edges or faces that lie on the convex hull, they can be used in the output as well. This operator can be used as a bridge tool as well.

Hull3.gif Convex hull operator used as a bridge tool


  • Delete Unused: removes vertices, edges, and faces that were selected, but not used as part of the hull. Note that vertices and edges that are used by other edges and faces not part of the selection will not be deleted.
Middle mesh shows the convex hull with Delete Unused enabled, the mesh at right shows the hull with Delete Unused disabled.
  • Use Existing Faces: where possible, use existing input faces that lie on the hull. This allows the convex hull output to contain NGons rather than triangles (or quads if the Join Triangles option is enabled.)
  • Make Holes: delete edges and faces in the hull that were part of the input too. Useful in cases like bridging to delete faces between the existing mesh and the convex hull.
  • Join Triangles: joins adjacent triangles into quads. Has all the same properties as the "Tris to Quads" operator (angle limit, compare UVs, etc.)


  • Improvedmesh vertex/face sorting, now with edge sorting as well (documentation).
  • Bevel and inset are now modal, mouse control operators to tweak the bevel/inset width. New shortcuts CtrlB for bevel, I for inset.


  • Added bm.*.layers.*.verify(), bm.*.layers.*.is_singleton and bm.*.layers.*.copy_from(other) Python API functions - r46127