「利用者:Testscreenings/dev addons/addon categories」の版間の差分

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(1版 をインポートしました)

2018年6月29日 (金) 04:40時点における最新版


quick note
  • non trivial usage scripts with no wiki page should be warned and eventually removed
  • same for scripts not submitted by authors themselves, I got complaints from an addon author, which is a shame and can make bf-extensions a bad name.

--mindrones 16:37, 15 December 2010 (UTC)

--tstscr: absolutely agree, and there are a few scripts which don't have a maintainer associated with them


Addon Categories

At the moment we have three categories:

  • upload
   * general upload
   * can be used by anyone

  • contrib
   * usefull, but few usecases
   * code has been reviewed
   * duplicated functionality (maybe with other workflow?)
   * can have scripts with same functionality/purpose
        it is good to be able to choose from different things that promise the same

  • release
   * usefull new functionality
   * workflow enhancements
   * Importer/Exporter (we should have as many of those preinstalled as possible)

release Addons

Add Mesh: Twisted Torus Primitive

   - move to contrib
       - specialized primitive
       - few use cases

Object: Cloud Generator

   - keep in release
       - good functionality
       - good wizard for beginners and for easy one shot things

Object: Fracture Tools

   - keep in release
       - good extra functionality not present otherwise
       - contra (never tested (by me, tstscr) or locked at code)

BoltFactory: add Bolts and Nuts

   - move to contrib
       - good script, but
       - few use cases

Mesh: Surface Sketch

   - keep in release
       - really nice extra functionality
       - but again untested by me (tstscr)

Add Mesh: Gears Primitive

   - move to contrib
       - again too specialized
       - few use cases

Import/Export: Raw faces

   - keep?

Import: Images mapped to planes

   - keep in release
       - mainly because i have the impression that it is liked by many users
       - (i would still like to to a bit of recoding here, tstscr)

Import: Make Human (.mhx)

   - keep

3D View: Dynamic Spacebar Menu

   - keep
       - strong userbase (for the 2.49 switchers)

System: blend Information

   - move to contrib
       - not that usefull
       - if really needed user can install for himself

3D View: Material Utils

   - keep in release
       - good workflow enhancement

Object: Add Chain with curve guide

   - move to contrib
       - few use cases

simplify curves

   - keep in release
       - usefull new functionality, not present otherwise

3D View: Align Tools

   - keep?

Add Curve: Torus Knot

   - move to contrib
       - few use cases
       - more a joke thing

Add Curve: Curveaceous Galore

   - move to contrib
       - small userbase?
       - really usefull?

Add Mesh: Solid Objects

   - move to contrib
       - too unusefull

Add Mesh: Extras

   - move to contrib
       - too unusefull
       - JayDez: Adds simple extension functionality similar to the default cube/cylinder/etc. Should be kept in. 

3D View: Copy Attributes

   - keep in release
       - usefull new functionality

Add Mesh: Gemstones

   - move to contrib
       - too unusefull

Object Property Chart

   - move to contrib
       - too unusefull
       - or? what is the use?
       - JayDez: http://www.colinlevy.com/tuts/blendertips/blendertips.php #9 is only reason I can think of to keep, but could be very useful..

Export to DirectX Model Format (.x)

   - keep in release

Export: Camera Animation

   - keep in release

Import Export: STL Format

   - keep in release

Render: Renderfarm.fi

   - keep
       - awesome

Add Mesh: ANT Landscape

   - move to contrib
       - why should it be here

Render: PovRay

   - move to contrib
       - i (tstscr) have the feeling it is not that mature?

3D View: 3D Navigation

   - ???

G/E Save as Runtime

   - keep
       - untested (tstscr)

Import: LightWave object file (.lwo)

   - keep in release

3DCoat Applink

   - keep
       - nice new functionality

Render: Animated Render Baker

   - keep
       - nice new functionality

Animation: Rotobezier

   - keep
       - nice
       - liked by userbase

Export animatedFBX models to XNA 4

   - keep?

Import/Export: Unreal psk/psa Import: .psk

   - keep

Import/Export: Gimp Image to Scene

   - keep

Mesh: Relax mesh retaining basic shape

   - keep
       - nice to have options

Add mesh: Pipe Joints

   - move to contrib
       - few use cases

Add Mesh 3D Function Surface

   - move to contrib
       - few use cases

3D View: Measure Panel

   - keep?

contrib Addons

System: Keymap to svg

   - keep in contrib
       - shouldn't be used that often

3D View: Index Visualizer

   - keep in contrib
       - mainly usefull for scriptwriters

Object: Batch Name Edit

   - keep in contrib
       - usefull but a liitle clunky to use
         with all the popups and the number of operators
       - or maybe put to upload? (there is someone else
         working on improving it?)

System: Display all Icons

   - keep in contrib
       - bad perfomance last time i checked
       - few usecases

Mesh: Vertex Group Tool

   - ???

3D View: Manipulator Menu

   - keep

3D View: cycle selection Mode

   - keep

Animation: corrective shape key

   - maybe move to release
       - usefull functionality
       - untested (by me: tstscr)

Add Objects Panel

   - ???

Four scripts to help lipsyncing

   - keep ?
       - does it work?
       - how usefull is it?

Import Voodoo camera data

   - keep in contrib
       - since voodoo isn't that great i can't imagine
         many peolpe really use it, but don't know

3D View: Visualize game properties

   - move to release
       - pending testing

Povray 3.7

   - keep in contrib
       - is this a double?
       - better than the one in release?

uv seams from uv isles

   - move to release ?
       - new functionality

Clay Render

   - keep
       - maybe usefull
       - seems a bit overkill like?
       - can't the same be achieved with a material override in the renderlayer?

Export: Quake MD3

   - move to release
       - if tested and works

Add Mesh: Archimedian Solids

   - keep
       - another 'add wierd shapes thing'

Import: Autocad DXF (.dxf)

   - move to release
       - if tested and works

Add-on: PasteAll.org

   - keep here
       - small userbase (scripters)

Mesh: Bevel

   - keep here
       - just a stop gap before it gets reimplemented properly

Mesh: vertex_align_25

   - keep ?
       - untested (tstscr)

Mesh: Bridge

   - keep here
       - just a stop gap before it gets reimplemented properly

Importer for Blizzard m3 files

   - keep in contrib
       - obscure dataformat?

import papagayo's voice file

   - keep ?
       - untested (tstscr)

Render: Print Presets

   - move to release
       - usefull new stuff

Export pointcache data (.pc2)

   - move to release
       - works and pretty usefull for pipelines

Smooth vertex position based on vertex normals of adjecent verts

   - move to release ?
       - sounds nice
       - untested (tstscr)

Animation: Animesh

   - move to release
       - pretty usefull new functionality
       - maybe a bit unmature, should test it

Masonry script

   - keep here
       - again, too few use cases

Batch renaming of objects and associated datablocks

   - keep in contrib
       - don't know why

upload Addons