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2018年6月29日 (金) 04:48時点における最新版

Wiki アップグレード 2011

Blender Conference 2010 Documentation Roundtableでwikiの弱さを話し合ったあとで、Blender財団はwikiをアップグレードする企画に資金提供をすると決めました。



新しいスキン - コードネームは Naiad - が素案から開発されました。 ページは、以下の3つに分けられます。

  • ツリー
    • 左側 の領域には、wikiの検索や ナビゲーション のためのツールを設置しています。
  • コンテンツ
    • 中央 には中心となるドキュメントが配置されます。
  • wiki操作
    • 右側 の領域は、利用者の管理やページツール、アップロードや統計などへのリンクが表示されます。

ページには 多くの解決策 が施されていて、空間をよりよく利用できるようになります。そして、閲覧者にとってこのスキンは順応しやすいものでしょう。

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新しいナビゲーションシステム: ナビゲーションツリーを使って

A much needed feature for a documentation website is a navtree. Now the wiki provides multiple navtrees. A specific menu allows the selection of the desired navtree, making navigation quick and logical.



The wiki is now indexed using Sphinx, a powerful open source search engine. This allows us to highly customize search with new features. For example, you can now easily search for a specific language and series (2.4, 2.5, etc.). Not sure which version to search for? Just search them all, and take advantage of the new per series result tabs.

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Massive system refactoring and cleanup

There is now a proper wiki development workflow, with two installations of mediawiki: one for developing/testing and one for public deployment. Both wikis are under version control and backed up daily. Registration is now free after email confirmation, and anonymous users are not allowed to edit anymore to prevent spam. Over 40.000 inactive user accounts have been removed.


Better hardware and software solutions

Blender wiki website is now hosted on a faster server, codenamed "Scales". The latest versions of PHP, Imagemagik and Mediawiki are being used.

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Ton Roosendaal (NL, Blender Foundation) Supported the project.
Luca Bonavita (IT, mindrones) Coordinated the project, also designing the BlenderWiki structure, installing MediaWiki and its extensions, writing the needed templates and co-designing the skin.
Marco Walraven (NL) System Admin & Engineering, OS support and Sphinx setup/support.
Francesco Siddi (IT, fsiddi) Designed and implemented the "Naiad" skin, and fixed a lot of bugs in the old skin.
Dan McGrath (Canada) Joined the team in Summer 2011 to help with Sphinx development, making it possible to search based on Blender Version and Language.
Bastien Montagne (FR, mont29) Developed some extensions to properly manage the caching mechanism of the new navigation trees.
Nathan Letwory (FI, jesterking) Administered the wiki server more actively in the past years, and has patiently endured us applying our fixes for those years while we didn't have access to the wiki server.