「利用者:Psy-Fi/Moar texture Paint/WeeklyReports」の版間の差分

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2018年6月29日 (金) 05:56時点における最新版

Weekly Report 21/6/2013

  • What you did this week:

Monday was spent doing exams and travelling which left little time for actual coding apart from some minor study of the sculpt system. During the next days I studied the undo system, which will be necessary to get anchored brushes and drag dot style strokes on the texture paint system. I implemented a dual colour scheme and pressure cutoff function (check the user level documentation). This being Friday I still plan on managing to at least do a working drag-dot brush working.

A big part of the week was spent trying to establish commmunication with artists for constructive feedback on the tools. Currently, David Revoy has kindly offered to help, also there is community feedback at http://www.blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?297257-GSOC-2013-MOARZ-texpaint-stuffs. Campbel and Brecht gave feedback on usability for paint system for which I have done a few minor commits this week.

  • Next week

I will continue to work on finalizing the current tools, possibly exposing them to other modes. Palettes and gradient are next. Some bug fixing on blender's paint system may also be needed since some of the bugs affect my current work.

  • Questions

Many. Especially when it comes to the design of the current system. I think a switch may be in order, so that we use the mask texture as the primary texture in texture paint. This may cause some issues so it needs careful thought on my part. It may be wise to leave this for the refactoring part of GSOC, gathering thoughts along the way. By the way, did I say thoughts? You can find a roadmap and random objectives and thoughts that crop up here

Weekly Report 28/6/2013

  • What you did this week:

This week was oriented mostly on bug fixing. I spent some time fine tuning the behaviour of paint masking to make it more consistent. Also, as decided in last meeting I spent a few days fixing bugs from our tracker. I brought back the gravity sculpt feature from the old Onion GSOC based on artist feedback. Also based on artist feedback I am trying to make colour sampling sample actual MFace texture colour data in projection painting to make it behave more sanely. Also yesterday was a somewhat slow and unproductive day. This meant that the planned changes from last week were pushed back somewhat but I hope to also do some work during the weekend.

  • Next week

Gradient tools and palettes were planned for this week and they will be pushed for the schedule of the next week. I also hope to at last finish with Drag dot and Anchored style brushes for texture paint.

  • Questions

Still trying to tackle the low hanging fruits of GSOC, so little questions for now.

Weekly Report 5/7/2013

  • What you did this week:

At last I made anchored and drag dot strokes work properly for both 2d and projective texture painting. This required a few changes to the image painting undo system to make it possible to restore the images quickly. I kept mental notes about parts which could benefit from caching and optimizations for later. There are data such as seam evaluation, which could be cached at texture paint mode entering and invalidated upon certain events (modifier changes, for instance).

This is very much tied to support for mirrored strokes, where a quick way to determine painted faces will have to be found.

I also did some bug fixes for quite old issues in the undo and masking system for projective texturing and at last it seems quite robust. There is still some annoying issue with evaluation of seams which I hope to tackle as well. Currently I am still investigating drag and drop for colour widgets. I think this will be quite handy for quickly forming colour palettes and will solve the problem nicely and elegantly. Other UI ideas include a button to set colour as active colour. Or clicking on the colour widget itself could set the colour as active brush colour. This will disallow editing of the colour by a user though, so I think a drag and drop system makes better sense here.

  • Next week

At last, gradient tools and palettes will occupy the best part of next week! If all goes well it will be time to begin looking into curve-driven strokes at last.

  • Questions

How does drag and drop system work? It is a great mystery to me. Could someone please send me some links? I only found this: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:2.5/Source/Architecture/DragnDrop

Of course I can try to hack my own way into the code too, but I'd love some help from someone who knows.

Weekly Report 12/7/2013

  • What you did this week:

Unfortunately this week hasn't been too productive. A combination of an accident at home that required lots of cleaning up, and visits from relatives meant too many people around so that I could not concentrate on coding properly. I did some bug fixes on the paint system at the start of the week. I also spent some time checking at the template UI code, so that I could implement pallettes in a similar way. I also checked up how other programs handle palettes, especially krita. I plan to use some of my time during the weekend to implement some of the functionality promised last week.

  • Next week

Same schedule as this week, depending on how much work is done during the weekend.

  • Questions

I will hold any questions for now until I can check out the UI code better.