Doc talk:Manual/Your First Animation/1.A static Gingerbread Man

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Possible new improvements

Went through the tutorial and found these places interesting, that may need an improvement. GREAT article by the way, I got my gingerbread man walking :) If you don't believe me, here is a link to my version of Gus :P

Heres my thoughts:


  • Clipping should be 50 to correct the shading on the spot
  • Adding additional Texture Grain [A little confusing, Added it via Texture area or on the GingerTex pulldown?]
  • Had a little trouble trying to mirror the eye.


  • Be nice to show all the poses in screenshots
  • Eyes do not move in time with the body, I knew from my future study that it is a parent linking.

LAST THOUGHT How easy is it to discuss how to import multiple versions of Gus into different scenes? Something I've recently been struggling anyway :P So you could have an army of Gus's animated doing different things maybe.

Simple Animation

How about a simple animation? Make a cube move in a circle. It shouldn't take 30 - 60 minutes for somebody's "first" animation. Keeping things simple allows concepts to be built upon for later. In other words, take out all of the noise: someobody who wants to learn about animating does not necessarily need to learn about rigging and modelling. Simplify.

Thangalin 04:17, 7 January 2007 (CET)

Saving Animation?

The section that explains how to save a single frame of an animation is a great start. It would be nice to read about how you can save all the frames (that is, the entire animation).

Thangalin 12:10, 5 January 2007 (CET)

Missing Paragraphs

After "Gus Needs a head:" section, there's about 4 paragraph missing. Are they missing or simply deleted?. If we omit this paragraphs, we'll no see Gus like it's shown into the snapshots.

Also, 2 paragraphs before that, it's missing a paragrah and the Full body screenshot.


First issue is fixed, for the second, it looks Ok to me, can you be more specific?--S68 13:52, 29 October 2005 (CEST)
The second usue is the explication to make the "middle body" of Gus. It's only 1 paragraph and 1 pic. It's needed to show how the Gus half-body should be. --franzrogar 20:35, 29 October 2005 (Spain)
I really think it is there, I noticed that image of "gus halfbody" was missing and I placed it this afternoon, just below "Gus should now have a left [...] shown in Half body", is there still text missing? --Ewout 20:48, 29 October 2005 (CEST)
It's perfect now. -- franzrogar 1:58, 30 October 2005 (Spain)

Hey guys ! Started updating this page on Jan 8th contact me on the docboard mailing list for any question

Hello, there's something wrong with imagesizes... are you following the Style Guide for images? --KungfuPT 00:45, 10 January 2006 (CET)

don't understand

is sentence below is correct? I don't understand it. maybe it's because my english is poor :):

"In our case we will check the Cage Mode button so we can see the transparent faces in EditMode of whatever Blender is itself to our mesh."

Looks like this has been corrected already. --djaquay

from an old version?

Is the flipping thing from an older, pre-modifier version?

"This is usually avoided if you used the Mirror Modifier but it might happen when extruding and flipping, as it was done before the modifier was introduced."

Similar text shows up in the eye-creation section:

"Flip a duplicate around the cursor by following the sequence you learned when flipping Gus's body"

I changed the latter occurence. It was confusing (me doing the tutorial). Plz correct it if neccessary (I am noob).--Nabla 18:41, 21 August 2006 (CEST)

Camera Angle

Okay, I know this sounds stupid. So I got to all the way to looking Gus make smooth, and then when it said press and drag the mouse to look at Gus from different angles, I couldn't. I guess I was doing something wrong but couldn't find out what! Please help.

Ground material image out of date

There's an image for the ground material on this page

The image is for blender version 2.41 however, the last 2.4x stable release was 2.49.

I have a new image to replace the current out of date version, however, I'm not sure how to upload content to the blender wiki commons.

Thanks, Rigel