Dev:Doc/Projects/UI/UI experiments branch

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2015年8月25日 (火) 07:29時点におけるwiki>Julianeiselによる版 (Currently included features)
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"UI-experiments" Branch

The "UI-experiments" branch is a place for testing User Interface related features and making them ready for master inclusion.

Branch Usage Rules

  • No features from which we know they won't end up in master rather soon
  • Features that go in should have an own up-to-date branch (local or remote) to make the final merge with master easier. This is in the hands and in the interest of the developer of the feature - we don't control it but it's highly recommended!
  • All added features and their author(s) must be added to the list below (to be handled by the committer)

Currently included features

Initial Commit Hash Description Author(s)
da40b73f32dac8 User Preferences tabs Julian Eisel
afc342f222f529 [Branch] UI-graphical-redesign Julian Eisel
0435e3c6b2653b Draw emboss for non-embossed buttons on mouse hover for better visual feedback Julian Eisel
7530cfccc2f087 Use 4-column layout for editor menu Julian Eisel
fe85eb560822ad [Branch] wiggly-widgets Julian Eisel

Branch inclusion invitation template

A canned invitation for adding features to the branch:

The UI-team is interested in having this in the [[ | UI-experiments ]] branch. If you are interested as well, please have a look at the [[ | branch usage rules ]] and tell us if you're fine with it.
We'll then commit it to the branch for you (assuming you don't have commit rights).