Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Add Mesh/Balcony

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2015年5月23日 (土) 07:06時点におけるwiki>Jambayによる版 (status update for v 1.3)
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Create a "Baclony" (reception desk) structure. Based on source from "SayPRODUCTIONS"; major revisions to UI and operations, may still be used as originally designed.

It is part of a package/collection of scripts that together create general architectural and "interior design" items. See add_mesh_building_basics or Building Basics for details.

Exclamation mark.png

This script is included in the 'building basics' package. This documentation page is fundamental to that section - do not remove.


in progress Inprogress100.jpg 90%

  Additional details regarding operation are always needed/welcome.



  V 1.3 release is "official".


The balcony consists of several elements - Floor, Base, and up to 7 (stacked) segments. Use style for preset designs and modify as desired.

Abstract Usage
This object may be created in Edit mode and will "attach" to selected objects. Create a light/lamp object, switch to Edit mode, add balcony - enjoy curved balcony effect. Will have to make that an "on purpose" option someday.

Style: Predefined "design" settings; sets segments and base parameters for various designs.

Width: Balcony width, affects all other elements.

  Horizontal sizing. (integer, 0-1000, default 100)

Side Depth: Each side of the balcony may be adjusted in y-axis.

  Length/Depth of side (integer, 0-1000, default 100).

Floor: The balcony floor consists of a top and bottom surface. The bottom section may have height, but the top is always flat. The floor cannot be eliminated but may be minimized.

Floor Depth: Depth, y-axis of floor.

  Depth of floor (integer, 1-250, default 100).

Floor Top: Vertical position of floor upper surface, can be positioned like a counter top or to provide "storage area".

  Floor top offset (integer, 1-100, default 17).

Floor Z: Vertical height of floor, offset below balcony base/3D cursor position. Use negative values to "raise" the floor, but bottom plane will be flat (no height) and match interior wall width.

  Vertical extent of floor (float, -50-50.0, default 1).

Floor Inset: Indent floor from base - does not affect depth. Set to 0 to match base sizing.

  Floor recess (integer, 0-50, default 10).


Up to seven (7) segments may be used for the balcony design, which are stacked on the base and each other in order of number.

Blender3D FreeTip.png
Remove Segment
To eliminate a segment, set the type to "Tube" and "Thickness" to 0.

Segment Types

Each type has a different set of parameters that may be used to create a wide variety of facades. The "Style" selection will set the values for many of these.

Type: Segment form selection.

Wall: See "Base" section for details on "Wall" Type.

Tube: A square or round tube.

Shape: Select this option to create "round" tube (pipe).

Gap: Separation of tube bottom from top of previous segment.

  Spacing (integer, 0-50, default 5).

Thickness: Radial area of tube, inner height and width for square. Set to 0 to eliminate segment.

  Tube dimension (float, 0-20, default 5).

Flat: A rectangular surface.

Height: Vertical size.

  Segment height (integer, 1-50, default 4).

Width: Horizontal size.

  Segment width (integer, 1-50, default 4).

Glass: Colored panels (hard coded RGB values).

to do
  add transparency for glass.

Height: Vertical size of panels.

  Height (integer, 1-100, default 20).


The foundation of the balcony is the "Base". As with the segments there is a type selection following the label.

Many parameters do not indicate a "default" value since they vary by Style selection.

Type: Segment form selection. Default for Base is "Wall" for all Style selections; the parameters described here are for that Type. See "Segments" section for details on other Type options.

Wall: Rectangular panels.

Height: Wall height.

  Vertical extent of wall (float, 0.01-10.0).

Thickness: Set the interior width of wall. Affects balcony width when used for base only, all other segments will act independently when used.

  Wall Thickness (integer, 1-50).

Notch: Create horizontal cut-outs in wall.

to do
  limit to wall height.
  Number of notches (integer, 0-8).

Height: Notch height.

  Notch height (integer, 1-10, default 3).

Depth: Notch inset from outer wall face.

  Notch depth (integer, 1-10, default 2).

Interval: Vertical offset "downward" from wall top. Following notches are offset from previous. The "default" varies for each notch and many are set by Style selection.

  Notch vertical offset (integer, 1-100).

Image Samples

The following images are provided as basic examples.

Bulwark style, modified.
Rail style, modified.